Cast no stones
At those cast in bronze
They pulled me four ways
Right in front of you
I’ll keep it to me
Don’t keep it to you
The gods of earth
Cannot be understood
By the mortal
Those too poor
To get out to play
There’s a statue
Of men
Fighting a battle
Trying to fly a flag
The faces cast in stone
The gods of the Stone Age
Cast as Romans and Greeks
With Socratic debate
All so platonic
But no one sees the way I do
To be a Seer and a seer of visions
Have you seen the afterlife
Is beauty more important here on earth
Are women and wine only for shallow pursuits ?
Be like fire and not water
I am hot blooded
But don’t look for men like you
Political Socratic
They don’t do what you do
I love who I am what I do
Wanted to be so far away from you
Most people do
We don’t like the things it takes
To be just like you