The Lion Tamer

Lion Tamer

And for my next trick

Here is a beautiful woman to look at

Live on a hire wire

Tada tada tada

And for my next act

I’ll don some sequins

And clown makeup

Look at the feifdom

Work he has stolen

Now he asks people to back up

Lies about how he came up with them

Third parties

So I am abused for him

Again and again



She threw the dictionary out the window

Thackeray’s insightful look into upper class

I don’t want to be a Becky like you

My grandmother taught me to know my place

No I won’t social climb with you

I simply don’t need to

I date men wealthier than he is within days of getting off the plane

Everything is back to normal


Social climbing is a fools game

Do it for love but don’t do it again

Who gave them entry

Who is at the gantry

Ah the master of misdirection

Here is an interesting fact about me

Ah the master of misdirection

Look how good looking I am

Ah the master of misdirection

I once dated a pretty woman

Please give all the attention

To the people who want followers to love them

Dear sirs please give them all the attention

Help them to get more followers

So we believe them

Don’t get in the way

Of a big cat

And his prey

Don’t get in the way

Of a narcissist getting her way

Don’t take the attention

From someone who likes to bask in it

Who will pay for it

Spent their lives trying to stand in the moving spotlight

Don’t worry about the crime wave

The gay man they paid for the wrong story

So they didn’t have to pay me

Some people seek the limelight

Without adequate talent

Not high brow talent

They are all for rent

See through the facade

It’s really

Not that hard

Others just don’t see the point

Please, please I am begging you

Please give them all the attention

Please worship them

Even when he acknowledges plagiarism

Please do it for him

Please give them all the attention

They desire it so desperately

They are mean spirited if they don’t get

Give them everything they demand

We are all scared of them

If they don’t get attention soon

They will attack again

They are mobile and upward

Looking to social climb

He wants a knighthood

And to be royalty one day

He told me

He told me

Willing to steal for it

Won’t read a book

The big sook for being caught

The big sook for stealing for it

Because they all make false claims about everyone

Including 30 about me

And why they didn’t save my dogs

Save them a place on the throne

For the song and tap dance

We love that act

The razzle dazzle

Sequins and tassels

He said he had to throw

Me under a bus

With false claims

As you see

What he needs is more important than my life

He wants that investiture

So you will just have to cope with what I am having done

The country bumpkins

The girls who couldn’t get some

The hated and the dumb

The country bumpkins

They were giving it away

Giving it away

While others were courted

To protect my talent

To be paid as a worker

Not a wannabe lover

Leave it to the desperates

Who did a free a service

The pudgy geeky boys

Who thought they could die virgins

At school

We had to invite the geeky girls to parties

So they didn’t feel left out on Monday

Hitting on my little brother

And he was only 13

My grandmother keeping a watchful eye

On the racists who were despised at school

They had no friends

The lovely outliers

No money, no friends

You bed the desperate for attention

The smutty the sleazy

He says stealing his work

Comes so easily

Pay the hookers not the writers

Don’t get her credentialed

I’ve lied about it to the label

I big parties with friends at Avoca and other places

Don’t invite over the women who know celebrities

Don’t invite the politicians daughters

The landed gentry and the GPS

She had to keep an eye on the racists

So they couldn’t do any damage to the

Aristocratic European refugees

The wannabes

Don’t interrupt their banality

They want a reality

All singing all dancing

Prancing preening

Look at the ego

Look at them go

Dancing their way

To the top

Codependent lyrics

Requiring total obedience

Blurry lines blurry lines blurry lines

Blurry lines on the high wire

What is right

We need the morally ambiguous to help us

Just who did you get into bed with

So to speak

Big game in their infancy

I am the little kitten in the background purring

So cruel for lies

The big cats surrounding me

My words are a smooth as a Linux

Love is not for hire

You are not the only big cat males

In the pride or lions

That I have encountered

In my travels

But my words are swift like a gazelle

I quickly change directions

As though I am on hinds feet

Turning on a ledge

Ready for your jealous women to sledge

Because I wrote your things

And you can’t reproduce

Don’t worry I won’t take any attention

Leave it to the people with a hole inside them

Who crave it without requisite creativity

Low brow people

Not used to the one percent Jetset lifestyle

They do anything to look glamorous

Sad to watch it

He says let’s wait for a kitten to be old and ugly

Then I get to keep and smear her

I’ll pretend I didn’t set her up

Abuse her and dissociate to steal

Rape victims are east to discombobulate

Like taking candy from a baby

Don’t worry they are free mates

And the animals were harmed to make this money

Have them skite and brandish their wealth in troubled times

So vulgar aren’t they

Under the big top with the obvious act

Don’t believe a thing the magician says

And the master of misdirection in a top hat and tails

Says look over here

Look over here

No I just hammer her and belittle her

Be reductive the crowd will pick up on it

I’ll be indicative

I’ll inoculate them

They won’t cotton on

Don’t worry I own the media he said

They love me

We tell them what we want them to think

They don’t need to know anythink

Rare as hens teeth these days

To find such pedigree

It’s a Bengal Tiger

Who can’t make up his mind

What he saw with his own eyes

He is told is not true

The “truth”was told by the insignificant

Not the one who roamed with big cats before she met them

Oh a new pride of lions

Protecting me fiercely

I’ll return to the big cats at home

And was nonchalant to the point of bored

With the circus

Don’t let the clown faced women near me

They aren’t accepted in their home town

I was tiny kitty kat

Licking my paws

And a lion roaring

The alpha

Purring at the pride of lions

As their pride came together

But never a word about it was said

She was back with the millionaire set after I stole from her and my first attempts to destroy her he said

Due to power, money and connections

I could get more than they could

I will purr to you

From the very people others despised

And guess you made a mint out it

Being coerced doesn’t make me an idiot

The enemy wants to murder frustrate and humiliate

All the dumb colonials and provincials with degrees

Roll up, roll up, roll up

It’s all happening under the big top

The big wheels on the bike

Are in town for an hour

Roll up, roll up

The carnival is in town

It’s your circus

It’s your geek squad

But will the geek squad stand up in court ?

Trying to get her to calm down

When it was requested she leave our property

With a racist tirade

Against our grandmother

You aren’t from around here

Yes they are the lotto winners

Any ethnicity is so ugly

You ugly old piece of crap

Everyone has to do what Australians like us say

Where are you from

I’m not tellin ya because people ignore us

Loud cars, the petrol heads, neighbours complaining about them

Look at the element they are bringing in

How many friends did I need to be considered popular

Straight out of Plumpton

A Rumspringa trip

Asking all the women if they could climax

Everyone laughing at her

Yes that is her schtick

We all pretend not to know

Allow her to embarrass herself again

You like her racism

She’s a little like you actually

Lower class pantomime

Some people see through it

Oh well that what happens

You be the architect of your demise

Stealing your work until it catches up with you

I was slow old ugly and ethnic at 24

What an excuse to give

To not have me credentialed

And lied to the men and threaten them

Try to interrupt big careers

Because they don’t want to pay

So they can stay under the big top

On display

Oh they couldn’t say that he needed trauma to be presented as autistic

Oh ok, it has to be the man’s way

Oh well let’s go and take all the Australian jobs away

And we could just be in a carriage one day

With faces on plates

And commemorative editions

I am not acting

Don’t wanna be in the Queen Vic

It was always the plan

That’s why you are not permitted to speak to the truth teller

Who has been threatened

Commemorative plates

That was always the plan

No, no, no

I know my place

No I won’t be a Becky with you

Becky Sharp is not my regency ideal

Life is not an amusement park

Your body is not a fair ground attraction

They were the big cats

And I was a big game when I returned home from London

Without even whispering a name

But he disrupted the big game

Is there time for a high wire act

Are you wearing a top hat ? Do you have a whip in your hand ?

Are you taming the lions

Are you making the panthers bow before you again ?

Even though they are more talented

And haven’t stolen their work

They write from the heart

They don’t brand themselves

With clever lyrics

That have been written for them

He is preparing to tell a different story about me

Don’t listen to him

He always threatened me and lied about it

I have a dream that I am petting a black cat

It walks away and turns a corner

And shape shifts into a panther

He wants you to  line up accolades of shame up on a wall

The architect of humiliation

You don’t understand abuse

That is what the shame is

He is jealous

You have outdone him

And that will not do

The centaur

Turns on his feet

The girl from the western suburbs

Pretends to be a rider

She tells a GPS boy

That horses eat straw don’t they ?

They all turn and laugh at her

I give her a ride on my sister’s pony

Asked to be avuncular

Poor girl from the closed cult

Won the lotto and moved here

Trying to copy us all with a miniature tennis court

She asks me about golden syrup and flour

Pollard and molasses

You see the boys won’t touch me she says

I have to pretend I know all of this

She says if she doesn’t pretend to ride and have horses

The GPS just laugh at her accent

Banned from our home

By my grandmother

Much her like her

He always said

He had to find someone to use like her

To get out of the basement

Our grandmother wouldn’t let us be

Becky Sharp before the aristocratic


Lessons much like a governess

Five languages

Not quite the same as I am she said to me

But this is how I would like my grandchildren to be

She said beware of the company you keep

Kicked the clown mouth out of the estate

Said you are not from around here

Don’t come near us again

Leave my granddaughter alone

The teacher say why do you let her harass you

To be avuncular

She sits out the front of our gates fixated

Reviving her engine

The neighbours call the police

Get the stalker to go away

She is scaring the racehorses

He likes the lower classes

Look at the vulgar jokes they make

All puerile toilet humour

But grandma she is peering in

She knows she is not allowed on our estate

She’s two acres away outside the gates

I can’t go for a ride today

She’s trying to wave me down on my horse

She won’t let me get away

Without revving her engine

To spook my Arab

Some people are nonchalant around celebrities And millionaires because they are one of them

Others are just Want To Be’s

They are not creatives

Don’t deserve to be there

Due to racism or other types of miscreant behaviour

His tentacles have reached out for decades

I dare not go out in my own village

Every blonde head time at a table of 8

Turns to look at me

When I stroll into the Michelin star restaurant

He sent his new one

A size 26 curmudgeon from Melbourne

I am a size 8

My face and hair look almost perfect

For me

But he has to have an excuse not to pay

So he sends a size 26 to threaten me

I’ve lost my weight

Need to to be paid and

He told me to be 43 kilos

When I was 57 and 5’7

Right here in my village

She tells me I am too ugly to pay

He says he will destroy me if I say anything

The way he always has

He avoided payment for 30 years

The large women from Melbourne

Who ?

The larger woman from Melbourne

She came back and said that I am too ugly to pay

Who ?

The larger woman from Melbourne

Why ?

She came back from Melbourne saying that she is too ugly to be paid and

She laughed and clacked her tongue

Up and down up and down

Like a merry go round

Woodchuck laugh, woodchuck laugh, woodchuck laugh

Oh Frau Himmler

You are not Housfrau material at all

He considers ethics and morals to be dumb, dumb, dumb

Where is the dog man he will get it done

Leaning for the morally ambiguous to help

The sociopaths the narcissists

That’s the trick

I wonder if they have closed their eyes

And tried to cast a spell

Turn me back into who I was before

Who I was before he sent his silent attackers hidden from the good men

Sent by them to make up a different story and harass me out of house, home state and business

Look over there

Says the master of


And here folks

Is a pretty woman for you to have a look at

Tada tada tada

Look at her prettiness shimmering on the high wire


The tin hat wearing mafia

Is there something wicked in the air ?

Don’t involve me in your affairs

I didn’t meet you there

I’m on a yacht two days later

Having my portrait taken

You boys don’t know how to live in London

Because Australians don’t matter in England

And our tax department can’t get them on the other side of the ocean

Dumb Australians from the colonies on holidays

We are insulted if you think that is what we are

Their clown mouths like a circus game

The big teeth

Lip gloss heads in a line of clowns

At the carnival

Moving their heads side to side in a line

Hoping to catch a ball in their mouth

When does manipulation not become a game

But coercion

Yes I wasn’t down with your perversions

Strong people say things like that

To take away my creativity

Had to do the Artists Way to regain

What did your hound do

My baby niece not allowed in the house when he was there

Why are you listening to the Lion tamer

Why do his bidding

Who could also be accused of stealing ?

There is a group of people who took them

Yes I know one is dead

That’s no excuse not to pay

But he greased the wheels of fame

Or did he

Just take money and defame the person who coerced to write

His secret sweat shop hit factory


My grandmother too

Know your place

Know your place

Leave the desperate women to their boasts

Leave it to the plastic Becky’s

My granddaughter won’t be seen that way

They will announce themselves with lies

Roll up, roll up, roll up

It’s the greatest show under the big top

It’s a great show

It’s a great show

It’s a great show



Hey presto

All the lyrics are his

With smoke and mirrors

And other performers

He venerates them

And their opinions

They won’t spend time reading

They don’t listen to music

They don’t really like books

They don’t listen to cool music

Is that a creative

Who has put the work in ?

They throw the dictionary out the window.

No one else is trying to work their way into those circles

It’s a charade for the carnies

At the beach with the slimy rocks

When the carnival is in town

She didn’t have any game

They weren’t model material

To the men in their home country

They looked and acted like

Clown figures

They were blunt objects

To get what they wanted

They used sledgehammers

Curmudgeons with bludgeons

Don’t mind the symphony

The mandolins strumming at heartstrings

In Ukraine

Don’t bring the family symphony into it

No not the Rachmaninov one

Even the state symphony orchestra

Don’t believe her

Family members not raised with my lyrics

We need to disrupt the Rachmaninovs

6th House of aristocracy for the bossy little Becky’s who think of themselves

We want to be famous they say

We are all an extension of each other together

Tada tada tada

Oh we are in a machine

We are in a machine

The machine won’t allow us to pay her

Everything must go

Everything must go

Everything must go

Don’t disrupt the women who are collaborating in stealing

God never judges us

Because we make ourselves untouchable

They say evil men outsmart God

Don’t they ?

Did you give permanent status

To people who are replaceable

Things you can teach

Things you can’t teach

Aristocracy like the Metropole Hotel

Labels soaked off

Wine bottles

Count Rostov in trouble for a poem

Held by the dictatorship


Accused of writing poetry

Don’t strike the right note

With the controlling regime

6th house has not fallen

A new symphony has been written

In this century

But we need the hire wire and sequins to be the centre of attention

Laurel leaves on our heads one day

So they hope


He told me about his plans

In the mid 90s

Keep her away

She could tell the soldier

Don’t tell a soul he said to me

Or you know what will happen to you

Nothing good for you love

You can’t be with him or I will ruin his life

Don’t tell the legal eagles

In your house

Give a spade to a racist and they will bury you

Told everyone I haven’t slept with you

Because it’s too humiliating for a woman in my circle

Couldn’t be with an aspiring politician after you

I didn’t partake in the drugs

The cocaine and shooting up

Planning his fav brothels in front of me

Photographed there every night

No morals to speak of

Threatens me to steal from me

Won’t bring all the powerful people I know

Who know celebrities well

Or politicians

I don’t want to sort it out love

I want it this way he said

Now abracadabra



The wealthy men would not have liked it

If I had touched someone like him

By his own admission scum

Whatever the truth is you will obscure it

I pray that heaping hatred on people who are not beautiful is over

And being racist and sexist makes you look unlovable

What a fake story arc for someone who has had people harassed

Too late to change now and to escape forever making a payment for affecting other people’s lives

It’s been thirty years of harassment and lies to avoid it

My malevolent dictator now wants to appear benevolent

That he didn’t pay me for me

That he sent harassers to destroy a business and animals for my good in domestic violence

Good job through no one see who the real you is

You have escaped cancel culture so brilliantly

What do you know

He is the first man to avoid cancel culture

Well done you

Well done you

No one suspects you no one has been harmed, no animal has been harmed

And no one is dead that shouldn’t be

Calling him out for stealing and false claims about other people to try to spread the blame

Get 3 more degrees or a PhD

Then you can force me to do as you say

Then I will permit you to condescend to me

He left school

At 15

Do you think no one is bright enough to catch you ?

That lawyers can’t see through your ridiculous arguments

Smear campaigns

And narcissists?

Roll up, roll up, roll

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