
What type of man considers himself to be good enough to “get his children into royalty.” It’s not like booking them into a good GPS school. What type of person considers themselves to be good enough to be royalty? In other words, if I steal now, and it is unquestionably an evil industry, stealing once puts the next generations long ahead of the others. He said he wanted to skip his kids ahead and had dogs molested to accomplish it. When I escaped them, they had someone follow me to ensure that no one followed up about the initial abuse.

He said it would make the next generations unstoppable and untouchable, they profit from the evil, from forcing other people to not have children and for me to be inured by him and for his prostitute to be inured by him.

He would not stop calling me, came into my village, yet I could not get a restraining order against him, because I could not prove the fraud. He used to say, here rape girl, here rape girl, he treated me like a pet. There were two types of people in his life, important people and people he could have buried. He was accused of anal rape, he was an unsafe man to be around. He made vin cry over and over again with treatment of me. Vin would howl watching abuse me and unable to do anything.

Come and stand here if you don’t do as I say I will humiliate you with details of a rape in front of anyone. I thought that he was a gay man, as he kept comparing the vaginas of the famous and found them all wanting. He was vagina man, always critical of vaginas and lower class enough to rate them and disparage them publicly in front of other men. Hence the alleged anal rape.

He was a renowned plagiarist, a person willing to use coercive control, abuse and to demand a suicide to make his little problem go away. I was embarrassed that I had met him, he was a disgusting piece of humanity. I was worried that just having known him for a while would give me a bad reputation as a drug taker or as an orgy goer. I was dating a man who knew the Gates family, and this was an embarrassing chapter in my life, where I had been abused to steal my lyrics, and I was worried that the well-to-do would think that I had had a needle in my arm and was a heroin addict like him or that I had been lascivious.

He was the poorest rich person that I had met but he brandished his lifestyle and was extremely lower class about it. He tried to show how lavish he was and had his narcissism and deep need for worship and attention on display at all times. No one liked him. At the time I wanted to marry well, I had been raised to become the wife of a wealthy businessman or a politician and told the celebrities that I wanted to become a journalist or politician at the time to help people. I was done with this navel-gazing crowd who were all just about them, and what they wanted.

They profit from the ill-gotten gains. He admitted it, he needed to steal to get his children, (this was mid 90’s) that they would not get ahead on talent but on him buying their way into the industry and he said that he could purchase them a place in the royal family. He said that they were setting it up so that the next generation of the royal family would be show folk, that it was all just a big show and that they were better performers so it should be them and not the English gentry. This is the opposite of what my aristocratic grandmother had taught me. I argued for love matches and to not take the “Free Will” of the young princes and their families. He told me that he didn’t believe in “Free Will”, he was a non-consensual type of person. His belief in not having to consent was based on the level of his celebrity. Because he is a narcissist I should mention here that I gave him lectures on consent as I was worried that some young woman, would be forced to have sex with him, or some young man for that matter. I have made recordings of what I said.

He doesn’t own the copyright to his own music, his own words, and he committed crimes to get them, it was coercive and non-consensual. He is a heroin addict, an inuring of prostitutes, his personality disorder and psychology means that he doesn’t think that laws should apply to him, h e thinks that he is above them. He has NPD or possibly sociopathy along with bipolar. He said that he was going steal my work so that he had enough money so that he could “get the right team” so that no one could stop him or have him charged, or get the money back from the lyrics and so that no one could prove that he is plagiarist and coercive controller and a criminal. I just fled like a refugee and said to never send anyone after me, but they abused me for decades and even sent a dog molester, who was also a child molester, who tried to get a restraining order against, I had already had him kicked out of my Quay Apartments abode…he paid in kind for a child molester and dog molester to be near my baby niece and my dogs.

He said he was going to buy their way into the upper classes, the royal family, and in to the industry. He admitted that he wasn’t bright enough and that if he stole work he would be put into a different class in two ways. He said he could become upper class as a creative, and he would be regarded to be that way.

It wouldn’t be based on his giftings but the inurement of people, there was also a prostitute who was inured. This inurement of other people would bring great profits and they would be ahead of everyone and “untouchable.” He said that it didn’t matter who did the work as long as they made people believe that it was his.


I mentioned I was going to leave and go to finishing school. I mentioned it again back in Australia when I was dating someone with political aspirations. I had just been discussing it in Miami and in Venuzuela with family, and people at Destination Spa that I had stayed at. I then raised it again when I was dating the man who was wealthier than he was; he was a just a part of my shameful past. I couldn’t stand any musicians or celebrities.

He was the type of person that he was attempting to manoeuvre to be around; he said that the wanted to leave his roots behind and transition into something that he really wasn’t, that he was just going to fool his fans and actually be stealing and not what he says he is. He wanted hatred lashed against me which is why he had my dog CC raped.

He also said he was going to make it impossible for me to tell anyone about it, and that he was going to just make up what happened so that he could get away with all the crimes that were being committed. He then said that his children would be going to finishing school so that they could marry the upper classes or royalty. At another point in time, I quipped that if he was going to keep asking me to have children with him, he had the wrong woman, as my grandmother’s daughter I had very different views on royalty, why? She believed in love matches and was very austere; there was a certain class or type of a love match who should marry them. You just couldn’t “marry in”. He held opposite views, he said that the next generation of royalty would all be show businesses, that they were better at it than royalty, that it was really just showmanship anyway. I kept laughed and said I am the wrong age to time children to get into the royal family. I then quipped, Who would do that to a child? Do they even want to be there. I then said that it is against the free will of a child to make them famous, that they are unable to consent or to understand what it is. We argued and argued over whether people want to be famous or not, I kept saying that many, many people don’t want to be famous, they don’t want to be like you. He said he wanted his name in the paper every day. When he made offers to me he said that many other women would practically kill for his fame, that they wanted his fame, that he brandished it, and that would find people wanted it and who were desperate for it.

There is a certain type of allegation that no one ever admits to. There is also a type who prefer suicide to burying someone, that way they can’t be charged with death, they try for 4 years to break someone so that the body and body of evidence just disappears. He said to me over and over again that he couldn’t afford for anyone to find out, that he had to hide that he had stolen.

When I met someone in the Australian industry shortly after he had a gun held to his groin and was threatened. That man had asked me his name. I had said previously that I could brand and write lyrics for unknown Australian artists back in Australia, that I wouldn’t get in his way, but he said I had to disappear, and that if I worked in Australia everyone would know that he was a plagiarist.


They would humiliate their rape victims, forced labourers, and targets any way that they could. They were all Anglo-Saxon men, and I was being humiliated for being Ukrainian and Russian, I think that this was around about the time that they started with mail-order brides. I was the granddaughter of a grandmother who was extremely product of being “white Russian” an aristocrat.


I offered to bring over young women who knew the prime minister, or whose fathers were politicians or top silks to sort out the defamation. I was being told that that defamation, the egregious lies were going to be used to enable and ensure non-payment. I wanted to bring over the owner of a French champagne brand, the daughter of a top politician, friends from The Tara School, people in the political class or in the legal profession.

“I am the one doing this to you. I am the one making this happen, “he used to say. I couldn’t stand him, he was the worst person that I had ever met and the poorest rich person that I had ever met. He was very new to money and had decided that he wanted to go from lower-class “scum” in his words to upper-class. He said that everyone treated him as scum. He said that it was very difficult to do. That no one but him could pull it off. I just couldn’t stand him.

I then asked to bring over my naturopath friend Dee, who knew a number of celebrities well, and was a celebrity best friend, that she would settle it all, and sort everything out. He was then egregious about her, tried to separate the friends, and said egregious about me to her and to her friends. He poisoned the waters there for me and for her. I had not sight set on them, I was more interested in just being in our circles and not celebrity circles. I thought that celebrity was the most ridiculous and lawless industry in the world. I said that she would fix it in a second or two but that she would be too busy interested in coming over, she wasn’t into celebrity worship either. He said that he couldn’t afford to have her there, that he was stealing, that he was committing fraud, and that he couldn’t have anyone political, in the legal profession or who knew celebrities helping me.

To me he really was scum and I had never heard a man speak about women that way, in fact, I thought that he could be gay, it seemed like there was a lot of gay energy in that back room, and both men admitted to sleeping with men and then threatened me about mentioning it. They also admitted to sleeping with underage girls in that room. I was scared all the time, and they were worried that I would walk out into the other room and say, “hey those guys are just talking about sleeping with underage girls”, hey those guys are talking about rape all the time.” Hey, “these guys are discussing the details of rapes, underage sex, and rating women in bed.” It is probably worse for people who have not been forced to work against their will but to do other things against their will, people who also fell victim to their belief that they didn’t require consent for things.

I was told by them and the alleged drug trafficker (to NZ and Australia) that men in the Drum and Bass community frowned on gay sex so they had to keep it quiet. So how do you keep a woman quiet?  You try to dissociate or traumatize her or you threaten her so that when you go from one room to another, you don’t say, hey there is a pedophile in there. Stay away from the pedophiles guys or it might sully your reputation or he might try to smear you too. When they tried to help me I was raped, when the good men tried to have me paid, they abused. They abused me around the clock to maintain silence before Glastonbury and other weekends away, I had retreat otherwise there were rapes around the clock or abuse around the clock.

Only one of those men was an artist and a creative, the other was little more than a puppet and should not have been tasked with creative tasks and opinions. He was imbued with literary and creative qualities by stealing the work that he does not possess.

He said his best lover ever was his inured sex worker, that is why he had inured her. He was inuring me too. He said that I couldn’t have payment, I was being abused where I lived. He said that I could be one of his inured workers. That I could have an apartment (an coercive controller that he had hired via payment in kind) and I went to see the apartment, it had polished wood floors. It was terrible, I said, “where is the opera house, where is the harbour bridge?” He said that I would never be permitted to leave the apartment. I asked if I could bring my dogs over and he said no. I asked if I could have a garden as I wasn’t allowed to leave the apartment, he said no. I asked if I could have a cleaner, and he said no but he laughed that his inured sex slave had hit him up for a cleaner and he had gotten her one. He said that I wouldn’t be allowed to have any other men over. I asked if I could choose my flat mate (a man to protect me) and he said no, he had chosen a woman who was going to be paid to control me.


I kept saying, “I can’t stand them, I can’t stand him, don’t turn out like them.” Dissociation was the manipulation tactic that silences women most, psychopaths and sociopaths stoop to it, so do gang rapists. You can ensure silence by dissociating someone, but it is not easy to do. One time, after he had dissociated me by bringing up the rape he said, actually love, because of the way you are, because I can do this to you, I can say that you are crazy, if you tell people, the way I have set it up, I am making it sound as though you are crazy.” He then admitted to being bipolar and said that he would make up the same thing about me. He would pretend that I could hear voices, in fact, I was just a church girl with strong intuition from the Holy Spirit, it’s called a Word of Knowledge. I just wanted to get out of the room to the “safe men” a soldier and some other men who were sitting there protecting me. I was only unsafe when I wasn’t near them.

I have already told people that these are my lyrics, you see love it puts me into a different category. “Everyone treats me like scum because of me dad, they tease me and say that I am just like me dad.” He thought that these made him sound a bit clever.

“That’s because I have a degree in poetry.” You know what you need to do, you need to read more. What do you read?”

“I have finished school love, I left school at 15.”

“You should listen to Bob Dylan,”

He laughed and scoffed and said he wasn’t’ going to listen to Bob Dylan. I then rattled off a list of Neil Young, Pink Floyd, Led Zepplin, Joni Mitchell. He said that he didn’t need to.

I was later asked who I liked and I said, Kate Bush, Sinead O’Connor and Bjork. I liked many other female singers too, but I liked that they were so distinct and different. The men howled with laughter.

He said that he was going to marry “A Lady” so he could get his children “into the royals.”

He brought up rape day and night, and how I reacted and what I did during a rape. The rapes were brandished like the lies about our home, our property portfolio, and our neighbors. They were all “bad facts” all egregious lies that could be used to humiliate, scare and shame me. There are few things worse than having a rape brandished in front of you. He asked who lived in the street where I grew up, and I retorted, “who lived in your street growing up.” This was an unsigned artist with under 10 million dollars, and he was a pitiful excuse for a human being, who had admitted that having surgery was done by all men like him. He then told me that I needed $100,000 worth of surgery and to go from kilos to 43 kilos. I had just done an interview at a Destination Spa in Florida, with a journalist and inferred that I had body dysmorphia, that I couldn’t see that I near perfect body. She said something to that effect on camera. What a psycho to tell someone with body dysmorphia, that they were too fat and that they had to be 43 kilos.

They were both good friends with gangsters and one of them was living with an alleged drug trafficker to Australia. They decided that they would try to force me to say that no one important lived in my area. They told me that I had grown up in a tin shack under power lines with a barbed wire fence. They brandished was how they were going to keep stealing from me. “Walk into the other room and everyone hears about the rape over and over again”. The rape was being repeated on repeat. He had details of a crime and details of a tape of a crime, he is in fact a party to quite a few crimes. But he said that he is untouchable, that he can control the media, and that they do what he wants them to do. When I said I would become a journalist he said that he told journalists what he wants them to think and that journalists have to do what he says.

They were rape repeaters and it was fun for them to control me to go out in front of the bands and DJ’s and say, here lads is rape girl, this is what rape girls vagina is like and this is what rape girl does during sex. The rape gave them so much mileage, and they knew details about it that should have been reported.


I was the only educated woman in the room, and the only one from the top one percent. Used to hanging out with politicians, daughters of the elite, and the mega rich. He kept brandishing his tiny fortune saying that it was important. He had under 10 million pounds, but he had a big, big staff and decided, in his new money way, that it was fine to act like a very big shot, with people buying him his food, butlers, and chefs, he knew that if he stole this money, he would be unstoppable and brandished his crime before me. He was spending so much I quipped that he would end up pulling beers one day. He said that he didn’t end up washed up scum like everyone else.

“Now that I have stolen these I am going to use the money to keep them. I can use the money to get a team so good that no one can have me charged for stealing.”

He knew that he had committed a massive fraud and said that he could get into a lot of trouble for the fraud, he said that I had to disappear, that it was like I had never existed because he was unsigned and had already signed documents (although still unsigned) saying that these lyrics were written by him. He was acting fraudulently within his community.

They said that men could rape, sleep with underage girls and boys, that they could do anything and people would all step in to ensure that they were not caught or charged, that people would stand up for them, that no one in that industry every comes under the law that other people do, that’s why we do it he said.

I kept thinking to myself that there was something wrong with him, he had an issue with ego, he had no perspective about who he was, he would blather on about dead people and being able to talk to spirits, and he would blather on about the secrets of famous people and royalty. I assumed that he had NPD, narcissistic personality disorder, he thought that he had special powers, that he should be given special treatment, and his love bombing and lies were not apparent to anyone but people who were above him in intellect or station of life.

He once said to me, “Are you and angel love.” He then claimed that he could hear angels. Quite a few of the people around him thought that he seemed unwell and you could later see his narcissism in his music. He didn’t stop harassing me though, he said he was worried that people would find out and he sent people to secretly harass me and tell me, even in my village a few years ago that I was too ugly in my mid twenties to be paid. That is his story anyway, too ugly for payment.

I quickly fled, and booked a ticket in secret. No group of people was worth staying for. A week later I was dating someone else, someone with a lot more money than he had, with much more powerful friends (the kind that took him and his family seriously), and he had just about completed his law degree. I was on the family boat, a ship owned by a Count.

Back at university he would try to time his calls to just before me leaving to go out and see him or to go on a date. He would ring initially to say. “I can’t afford for anyone to find out what I have done. You can’t date anyone with more money than I have or with more powerful friends.”

He called me later just to say, I’ve checked around and no one has ever heard of him, he doesn’t know anyone important.

My brother could hear me arguing with someone on the phone, I was telling him to never call me again. “Please stop calling me. Leave me alone. I am trying to get on with my life. I don’t want anyone to know that I know you.” Guys like this always change tact when told information like that. It was a little like telling him that I wouldn’t sleep with him again in that back room. I didn’t smear him, he smeared me for saying no too many times, and too publicly. It was only sometimes that I gave him narcissistic supply, I gave lip service to his ego. It was dangerous to not. He asked me to sleep with him so many times that I gave him a lecture on consent, “other women, might think that they have to, you are the powerful one in the room, they might think they will get into trouble if they don’t.” The next day he forgot and demanded that I be at his place at 8. I had just said no the day before and the day before that, and other times, I refused to go to his place. Then he stumbled over the words, “sorry I forgot to ask.” Then because I said no, because I rejected him, I was smeared sexually, (by a man who also sleeps with men) with rape details, non-consensual sex, because I wouldn’t participate in coercion and forcing. He is not a “free will” man, he is not a believer in people having “Free Will.” Violent men take it by force.

He said that he didn’t want to be a normal band member, that it wasn’t good enough for him. That he was stuck singing at the back due to his dad. That everyone joked about him. He said that he had to steal otherwise he would be just become like one of them, dried up and a deadbeat. I quipped that the way he was spending his tiny fortune on prostitutes, drugs and staff that he would end up pulling beers. You can’t burn through money like a big shot if you spend money that way. I was an heiress and richer than he was, in fact, every single person I knew had more than 5 million pounds. It was such a tiny amount of money for his exorbitant staff expenses. I wondered how he treated his staff. Walking along the road he told random strangers to F off. He was constantly rude and acted like the epitome of someone who doesn’t know about class and style.

We had 5 permanent staff growing up, just at our home and property, and it takes a lot to keep up acres of grass, stables and a dressage arena. He was new to it all and didn’t realize that he was going to burn through all his money. Imagine that the person whose work was being stolen without her consent, fraudulently sold, money stolen, pointing out that he didn’t have enough money.

To make matters worse he then called me fat. I had just returned from a Swiss Style Destination Spa near South Beach, Florida. I had been interviewed there and the interviewer said that perhaps I had body dysmorphia. I said that to him, because he said that 57 kilos was very large for a woman who is 5’7. He kept saying that I was too fat. I was sitting there in a swimsuit and a tiny hipster skirt that I had wrapped around my hips. One day he expressed his disgust about all my moles on my arms. He was blocking the door with his body. I was seated at the back and two men were in between me and the door. I was terrified and was regularly having a panic attack sbefore I reached the safety of the other university students in the other room. They understood women and how to treat women. They were educated men, egalitarian, they believed in human rights, saving the planet (as it was back then), they read literature, they were true creative types.

He started making jokes about my body dysmorphia and he also said that he wanted my lyrics studied as being his at university. What plagiarism? I explained body dysmorphia and plagiarism. He had taken the equivalent of books of poetry by using threatening and demeaning behavior. I couldn’t stand him but his game was to dehumanize, degrade and desexualize me by mentioning rapes in front of the men in the other room. I was just a pet, an inured person, stuck in the Uk, with no authorities to call, and no labour union, he said he would lie and that people would believe him and not me. He said that he could have me called crazy. When I came back in May for my birthday, not to see him (I had already demanded that he stop calling me, and had thrown his number out, I had never called it), I was held hostage and when I called two male friends back in Australia, they said to call the police. Then I was forced to have sex and them unceremoniously dumped at the airport the next morning. I wanted to go in and tell airport cops about the rape and being held under duress but therapist said they just wouldn’t have believed me and would taken to hospital. I couldn’t even give them an address, but this is what these gangster types do isn’t it?

Back at the slum in which I was living, a council flat that cost me 10 pounds per week, the drug trafficker (he lived with the gangster record label owner) came over with a list of sexual things, body types, body “issues” and things that the men disliked. A woman who had won the lotto and moved to our blue-chip area had been taken to a restaurant by one of the men, she had been raised in a closed brethren cult and had never been to a restaurant, on holiday, she hadn’t been raised watching TV, Movies or listening to music. They said she hadn’t been into a restaurant and that he had been embarrassed at her lack of table manners. So that became me. The celebrity didn’t “big mum nipples” or large areola so they lied and said my entire breast was an areola. He said that I was a deformed woman, and he didn’t like anyone with moles and he didn’t like people who are deformed, because they weren’t perfect like him. I didn’t want to sleep with anyone so I used to my advantage so I wasn’t forced to have sex with anyone else.


The entire thing was always illegal. From rapes, to coercion, to fraud, to stealing income, taking credit, forcing people to do things, drug trafficking and trafficking women, the entire thing was always all illegal. All of it. It doesn’t matter how you dehumanize someone it just is what it is, those words on not his, however he wished to accomplish things and however he tries to get away with it or to mitigate the effects of it with PR, big shot friends who try to stop criminal investigations, and consent that has somehow been manufactured by someone with big plans to exploit people.

He has taken so many livlihoods and committed so much fraud. He said if you won’t break the law with me I will find someone who is willing, if you won’t social climb with me I will still find the willing, I will offer them everything that they want and need. When he described his ideal person to me the person he described sounded like a psychopath, or at the very least a narcissist, then he paid some girls with allowing them to be a part of orgies to assist with with egregious lies and defamation enabling him to commit fraud and larceny.

Their larcenous behavior was rewarded by backstage access and being “allowed” to be a part of orgies. They were orgies with geeks, they were bogan. The very women who openly, easily and freely used the N word, there they were being used to try to allure black men into situations. They were not the girls with the good bodies, they were the school outcasts that the men did touch due in part to their vulgarity, being social pariahs, and so they should have been, because they were using the N word freely and they regularly and aboriginal slurs. They hated anyone with who dared have skin darker than lily white without blue eyes having more money than “true Australian’s” like them. They harkened back to the days of The White Australia Policy, saying that we should bring it back. They despised Paul Keating’s politics because he was freeing the dollar, and not artificially tethering it, and he was letting refugees have more money, and they “now we have to work harder because refugees are here, now we have to work as hard as the rest of the world.” He employed monsters, you know those outliers that are separated from the pack when they develop their personality disorder so that they can’t demand a suicide or cause racial violence against other girls, those very scum, the very lowest order of Australian, their bogan mates, were just fine company for them. They were the enablers of the crimes, and they committed crimes for them, I think they were told legally to force suicide and to suggest suicide and they couldn’t be charged or go to jail for all the money they assisted in syphoning off. I hadn’t been prone to suicide and to refused to commit suicide at their request.

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