Oh Absolom
This I can’t love
Oh Absolom
With your perfection
Oh Absolom
Your scapegoats
Your discards
Your patcy
It’s ok
Every woman has to behave in that industry
It’s ok
All women have to do what the men say
It’s ok
It’s a sexist industry
It’s alright
There is sex to sell
Let’s objectify
Erect a monument to manhood
Ignore the female gaze
Don’t make them adhere to women’s standards
We have to adhere to theirs
Are they going to make a monster out of me
Sew together the worst parts of humanity
Oh Absolom
You were the only person who was in love with you
Oh Absolom
You are the perfect man to you
Oh Absolom it’s not about me
But it was never about you
It’s such a pity
That poetry
Is mixed in with the music industry
It’s how pretty
Just be Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Emily Dickinson
Be Leonard Cohen
Be Keats, Byron and Shelley
In 2004
So released into his hands after leaving him
8 months apart but he wants the girl back from his MBA
Just like the day started at University
So he has tempted his own fate
Big crime sprees surround
Secrets like this
You’ve tempted your own fate
Moral Ambiguity
Involve the evil people
We celebrate civility
You celebrate a hillbilly
Did you try to haze them
Trick them into wanting
The hate speech girl
The most unpopular
Girls from school
I waited a decade so he would leave me
On the down low in the bathrooms
In the park in the afternoon
I knew
But what a risk to me
Need an injection
Against pregnancy
Please go out on the town looking for someone
A woman to bleed dry
Finances shut down
For your lies to prosper
In silence
In humiliation
No preparation
Oh what a nice guy
So he could be with some other guy
At university in the boys rooms
Reminds me so much of you
The cycle of abuse
Continues for your convenience
My life disrupted
From the minute I got back
Three other times
You tore me down
But I got behind security
To press the red button on him
Moved cities to do it
There is no such thing as a hero
Please record all the potshots
The people who try to pull me down for sexual assault
Make a record of it please
For having to stay be held under duress
That last night in London
I couldn’t wait for him to leave
Because no one believed me
So when I called the police on him
They were a supporter of men too
Tried to get him to go at every opportunity
Please with as many other woman as you can
Or find a nice man and “I’ll help you come out”
Men can be lawless in your industry
And they brandish it
Behind closed doors
No authenticity
Who is that guy
It is nothing like him
He needs that authenticity coach
And don’t say that
You could sound like a narc
It’s two out of control narcs gone wild
Oh Absolom
You were right
Almost no one wanted you for you
Unless they are just like you
I always found him ugly
But I kept that to me
That’s what decent people do
Life’s not about hookers and blow
And measuring beauty
It’s about civility
Hope your children fall
Far from the tree
Not rude and self involved
Like the almighty
Like his cruelty
Like his denigration
Of other human beings
Women who don’t like him
Lick your own wounds
Your sycophants
No one cares about crying celebrities