Don’t get in the way of a narcissist and fame
I am a sucker for love bombing
Leave it to another narcissist to love them
I want fawn I won’t play their games
Hey if I wink at you
If I say you are pretty
Will you help me
With grand larceny
So we can be royalty
I sure hope that noose is not for me
When your friends said that narc
Is giving her enough rope to hang herself
But there is nothing wrong with what I say
So girls take that noose away
They said that I was too ugly to pay in 2019
Such bullying I had to leave university
My shoulders were back
I pranced like a dancer
I was a size 6
The curmudgeon was told
She could be on reality TV
If she lied about me
And told me I was ugly
But this wasn’t a romance
Grand larceny by a man who forced me to write for him
So he could be royalty
So he could be royalty
No loyalty
They just dream of being royalty
Get their mugs on TV again
Desperate to be upper class
They had 20 points of abuse
They made up 50 lies about me
And my family
All defamatory
Why can’t you see
They just want to be royalty
Sign contacts for words they haven’t written
I despise fame and famous people
If you see me
Just keep on walking