Consent is 9/10ths of the law

Consent is 9/10ths of the law, you can’t have sex without consent, people can’t work without consent and we can’t sell anything without consent otherwise it is stealing.

Powerful men know they can use brute force to force fraud, they can use brute force and abuse people and can have them harmed on their behalf as well.

I said that he was to never sell any of my work, that he didn’t have copyright to use them in any ads and to never commercialise my words in anyway. That he did not have my permission and using the word was nonconsensual… I wanted it to go to a band or other artists instead.

He was determined to evade paying and used abuse to do it.

Because the family are so well off it made it more dangerous for me they had to harass me or make it impossible to sue at the time. I was attacked, abused and they used fear and humiliation tactics. They were worried that I would contact a politician or legal rep or someone mega rich or famous. They harassed me so much that I had to choose to go “no contact” and I asked them to come anywhere near me and to send no one after me to be in contact or to check on me.

The racists agreed to lie for him saying that we had nothing and lived in a tin shack and had no money and that we didn’t know anyone powerful, even when I said we did he was reassured that he could get away with it. Even though he knew it was true. It benefited him to have me harmed, harassed and lied about he needed it to not pay and to keep the abuse up. He said to me that it makes more sense that the ethnic girl should have been the most unpopular girl at school believing that two middling girls in looks and money should have been the popular ones and the school pariahs. Pariah was saved for olive skin and dark hair.

The more important the name was the more abusive he became. They were more important people than him and every time that I mentioned someone he became more abusive. He couldn’t stand that I knew more important and wealthier people. I told him that almost everyone I knew had a better life than him and I still believe that to be true.

Back in the mid 90’s I kept saying to him that’s not how wealthy people are that’s not what the megarich do, people who are wealthy don’t think that way, well to do people don’t want to be famous they don’t want to be in the papers they don’t need everyone to see what they’re doing all the time.

Wanting to see how lavish his lifestyle was and how he had people doing everything for him. I think that it made him feel important. He boasted and bragged a lot, he had so much less than a number of people that I knew, he wouldn’t even eat french fries or chips because he was too important now to eat chips, he was extremely proud of himself before he stole all the money, now that he had money he pretended that he had never eaten fish and chips that it was French cuisine all the way just like the upper class person that he aspired to be. After this conversation he aspired to meet the mega rich, not just the show folk, he didn’t know anyone important outside those circles.

There is something wrong with you I said. They don’t spend more money than they’ve got otherwise they run out, they don’t get staff such as a chef before they’ve got more than 10 million, with that amount of money it’s ridiculous to not invest or save it. You look ridiculous having all this stuff with so little money; he was the poorest rich person that I’d come across and he was living like somebody who had just come into money and wanted everyone to see him spending it. He wanted people to see him living large with less than 10 million.

He was the epitome of new money and fell into every new money trap brandishing everything and talking about everything. He said that he could buy his way into the royal family. He said that he might be able to manage to marry his children into the royal family, that the next gen would all be show folk and the kids of the famous. I said how dare he take away the free will of royalty and gentry not to mention that you don’t own children, nor their right to free will.

He said that he was too important to go and get fish and chips like his fans now, I retorted that his job wasn’t to be a narcissist who was elevated above his fans, and that if he couldn’t understand his fans then he would lose touch with reality and not be able to write for them. That he wouldn’t be able to be trusted to make decisions as a creative if he didn’t write his own lyrics.

That he needed to read to write, I already had a degree and he told me that Sydney University literature is the very worst lit course in Australia. He said that he didn’t care about his fans. He said that he only put two or three good songs on each album, that he had to save the good songs for other albums. Again I chastised him saying that it cost 30 dollars to buy a Cd and that for many people that is a lot of money and to not rip people off so glibly as a lot of people were doing it tough.

I wasn’t the only one who couldn’t stand him. I couldn’t stand being around him or being near him I refused to go to his house a few times. He was revolting. He was a monster behind that door and he was abusive. I couldn’t wait to go home. I couldn’t wait to go back to people who are genteel rich people not new money who thought that they could own and buy and abuse people. They were trying to brandish their little bit of wealth, their tiny bit of wealth that they had before. They had a lot more and at the time my only choice was to run to the other room to the men who I regarded to be safer men. I wanted to vomit quite a few times and had panic attacks and he would dissociate me for fun, the little sociopath. He was like this big monster. I couldn’t stand how a person could come to be that way and I couldn’t understand how a person like that could be famous or should be famous. Being famous isn’t a meritocracy if you are forcing people and plagiarising work.

He wasn’t used to “normal” wealthy people he wasn’t used to the owners of champagne brands or winery’s people who owned industry or people who owned racehorses or who were in politics. It was easy to tell that he wasn’t used to breathing rarified air and he thought that being “rich” should be what show folk decided it should be. He considered show folk to be at the top of the ladder.
He couldn’t understand why show business people couldn’t override every other wealthy person in the world. He thought that because he was in show business that it was perfectly OK to own people. I didn’t want to be a part of the industry at any stage, nor stay in London, I had no aspirations to be in the industry, it simply didn’t apply to me.

He was constantly being called scum by the middle class and by the wealthy because he was acting like scum. He couldn’t have been more overexcited about not having to buy his groceries at a normal supermarket and more overexcited about having them purchased for him. He was living a sociopath’s fantasy. I keep putting my head on the side thinking “there is something wrong with you.”

He called a social pariah, a person who was vile and racist, the very bottom of society who had won the lotto and moved to my area. This person was from an poverty stricken background and didn’t know how to behave around the wealthy. She held a grudge against the wealthy and stalked and harassed me.

It must have been so much fun for him to turn me into a target so people could poke and prod me and mythologise me and take my identity break it apart basing it all on racism, talk about rape all the time and basically be disgusting men about the entire situation.

During a narcissistic or psychopathic smear campaign the narcissist or psychopath tries to get everyone on side and they try to concoct information or make information sound bizarre to smear that person. When they have criminal intent such as stealing money or writing or work there’s no limit to what they will do to steal money and commit fraud. They don’t have any ethics or morals and think it is ok for them alone to break the law as they are above everyone so they force people to do things and abuse people to get what they want, abusive men are known for withholding money.


I knew that the wealthy wouldn’t want him and ladies wouldn’t want him as well the gentry would not want to marry him even though he said that he aspired to marry a lady.

I was being forced to work and I knew that no wealthy person would ever want him or want to marry him. His schemas were incorrect. He was using fear and humiliation tactics and abusing me to force me to work. This was a person I didn’t like and I didn’t want to be around who I limited the amount of time I spent with, I didn’t want to be near him and quipped once “what a tangled web we we went first we practice to deceive”. He looked at me sheepishly and said that’s good love that’s really good. Actually I might use that in my lyrics and I said oh I wouldn’t do that. When he said he wanted to marry a lady again and to become upper class I said well if you can’t get a simple Shakespeare reference right that is unlikely. You better learn to pick up a book because they don’t want to be with a stupid man, it doesn’t matter how much money you have.

He was already developing this unhealthy mindset in which he owned people where it was important to get the most attention and not attention for doing something well and not stealing something and hiding it well.

He wanted somebody who would garner attention with him who would fall into the background and put him at the front and who would be an attention seeker just like him. Who would brandish a lavish lifestyle instead of hiding it and being discreet and just getting on with their life.

Because he was stealing massive amounts of money and committing fraud he was making up some sort of story and then trying to prevent anyone talking to me so that they could find out what the truth is. Triangulation. Lies. Deceit. That is his personality.

When I arrived home I was worried that somebody would think that I was into drugs or that I was promiscuous because I had been in that room.

I’m not one who sleeps around anyway none of the people I know do none of the people of my ilk do, it was a bad room for me to be seen in and I was highly ashamed of ever being there.

I didn’t want to sleep with any of the men caught up in plagiarism or orgies or fraud.

I didn’t want to sleep with any men who were caught up in sexism I didn’t want to sleep with anyone as most of them felt complicit.

They couldn’t understand why I wasn’t targeted at school because they listen to my stalkers. They can’t understand why it wasn’t targeted at school because they believed people who use the N Word and aboriginal and ethnic slurs.
They thought that the Anglo Saxons would be the most popular, even poor ones who were particularly special, they weren’t popular, they weren’t the most beautiful their whiteness made them hot there but they were actually the most unpopular girls at school, due in part to racism, and NPD, they were the rejected girls and the vulgar girls who weren’t well travelled, well educated, they weren’t from well respected families or suburbs and they were sophisticated. They were about right for lies and deceit and were paid with orgies for their complicity.

They can’t understand why I wasn’t targeted at school because the men kept disassociating me or discombobulating me. They didn’t want to be charged with abuse and fear and humiliation tactics, not to mention fraud.

Plus being from such a wealthy family I wasn’t allowed to wear my clothes do my hair or wear make up so they thought that a girl like that was easy to abuse and act in an illegal manner against, the payoff was royalty and money from committing fraud from plagiarism. In fact a multitude of crimes were committed.

It made sense that she would’ve been targeted because she’s ethnic and she didn’t have Lily white skin the white skin girls were very prized by the men having the orgies with them. Most had real girlfriends too.

He said that if you could make up a diagnosis for me and pay people to lie in the first instance and then harass me and channel back the wrong information to “make it stick” that he could ensure that no one believed me. They harassed me for years afterwards.

Every spiritual text says that rich people are never spiritual people they can’t actually experience the human experience on earth they’re not spiritual they give lip service but they don’t really have eyes of understanding of what it means.

Those complicit in fraud were not regarded as being the beautiful girls at school.

Those two hustlers thought they had it all sorted out by getting N word and N word the two outliers and outcast from school to come over and lie for them and delighted in not telling all the men of colour that they are well known for racism.

I am not pathetic enough to require the assistance of the man who stole from me, I don’t require their help to get even more degrees. I could date wealthy men; no well to do man with a good reputation respects a woman who has been around heroin taking scum like that. Each man I have dated could sue for their reputation loss due his egregious lies and fraud.

I don’t require the help of a man who had my dogs molested and who sent a child molester into my home near my baby niece, the man who required that my business stop trading because it was making too much money when my Cambridge educated sister was coming home to take the helm. He used to say on repeat, “nothing good for you love, nothing good for you, otherwise people could find out what I have done.”

Big narcissists and megalomaniacs always belittle people who are educated, have grown up with money and who are around powerful people they ask friends to belittle them too so that they get the message not to cross them or talk about them.

I would say sending a dog molester is the worst thing that he could do, he can’t even compare woman to woman in that situation, he is just exposed as a psycho, someone who requires suicides for fraud, who frightens people, threatens people and who has them harassed.

I said that you’re not like the rest of the people here they were writing their own things and he laughed and he said I’m the most famous love I don’t need to have the same level of talent. I don’t need to do what they do everyone does. “Now that I have stolen these lyrics I can pay a team to help me keep the money and credit for it”, he said. It was all intentional and they had enough motive to demand that I suicide over 15 times.

I had to sit there and listen to things worse than any rude celebrity in the media. I had to listen to somebody talk endlessly about which vaginas he didn’t like and why he didn’t like vaginas. I can’t even write down what he said.

Some of the worst people in the world are celebrities because celebrity rewards psychopathy and narcissism. Narcissists and psychopaths are often hypersexual.

They’ve all conspired and use their power to ensure that the evil men who forced people to do things are able to triumph and harm that person for decades.

How fun for the observer to watch them adopt the nerds, the least popular girls from school. They were paid for lies with orgies; you can’t expect reliable information when someone is being paid in being allowed to participate in orgies.

How selfish of those people to expect to bury me, to be buried alive and to live with those secrets it’s the epitome of selfishness and self aggrandisement.

He said that because he was forcing me and abusing me that anybody was allowed to use my words or my lyrics they would humiliate and shame me and coerce me. He used coercive control methods and they said any young woman or any man could use any of my lyrics because he had ownership over me and I would sue every one of those people if I could.

They should get all the money back from every contract if he has fraudulently claimed he has an ability to write poems at a university graduate level, or school leavers level or that he wrote those lyrics.

He has opened everyone up tp a copyright law issue that he has created in part by associating with criminals and criminal behaviour…. He needs to sabre rattle so the police are enamoured and too scared to see through the carefully constructed act.

It’s bad enough to live with the abuse to live with the memories of coercion and abuse and all the lies.

Sexual slurs, repeating the details of rapes, slurring our blue chip property portfolio, the street we grew up in, racial harassment, our background and all our friends and all the men I had dated.

Pretending that I had a drug habit because I told him they would take all my money and my inheritance; but it wasn’t the only way he could ensure I was cut off and cut away from the powerful people that he was worried could stop him. He poisoned every pool and stooped to the revolting level that he always does, listening to abusive and violent men. Violent men take it by force. They take words by force, and they try to poison ever my pool so people disparage other people. They don’t want you to hear what they say.

Woman, how dare you be an imperfect object?
I didn’t know what he was looking at, what was wrong with my object.
“Your moles love, you’ve got moles on your arms, moles are disgusting.”
“Look at them all, it’s fing disgusting,”
he spat.
I was sitting there, against my will, with two men blocking the doorway and here he was spitting at me. They could both sense that I was about to get up, running away scared of both men into the relative safety of the other room.

He said I was never allowed to write again. I read 20 books per month as a child (every book from book club), my grandmother was an exceptional writer and encouraged me to study literature. I grew up doing improv and private speech and drama once per week, performing regularly. I enjoyed Oscar Wilde, Jean Anoius and I wanted to be a playwrite. I enrolled twice in film school but had to drop out due to domestic violence the first time, and having my life destroyed by him the second time.

He decided to use the people who are nuts against me the people who were outliers the people who were junkies or prostitutes.

People who were disgusted with them the people who were mocked at school because they said agree to things about people.

He would either inject a bit of narcissism and make it all about him, manufacture a little bit of consent or take the opportunity to belittle someone or a group of people.

Until his dying day he will be a plagiarist and one of the worst plagiarists of last century.
Until he pays me and changes the name of all those books of poetry. Those strategically written words were mine to brand them. He is going to be the biggest plagiarist and a man who consorts with unsavoury types until death. It is what it is, the man is a plagiarist.

Consent is 9/10ths of the law.

I don’t trust any of the men from that room at all they allowed years of abuse to continue so that they were not interrupted, they permitted brain damage and to be raped on repeat, dogs to be assaulted sexually, and they allowed the massive fraud to go on and for him to accumulate funds, they took university away, credit, money, children, important relationships.

All the men in that room took my free will. My free will was to not be around them. My free will and right to privacy and quiet enjoyment free from harassment, my child bearing years, wealth and working life; my company, all were gone due to harassment and to maintain a deliberate fraud.

The other man I’ve dated we’re very well established families well very well established backgrounds I kept explaining to the two gangsters who was stealing.

They paid little attention to how these egregious lies would affect my family my future and my boyfriends.
They knew that they could count on racism, jealousy and enablers for larceny.
To keep people quiet but I refused to say that I was with anyone or that I wanted to be with anyone.

They decided that racism was enough of a reason to have me targeted and would’ve been enough of a reason to have me targeted at school.

But it was not the only time that they used a stalker to harass me.

They seem to defer to gay men to ask them about women.

Many of the men were on the down low or sleeping with gay prostitutes so they thought was ok to put a gay prostitute who was also into beastiality into my house to let them know what I remember due to Aphasia.

He silenced me desexualised me, dehumanised me take my company away take my house away take my state away. He caused brain damage. He caused damage to my dogs and my business.

He sent the gay prostitute to try to manufacture consent. To send back the wrong answer. He sent him to give pretence that I liked someone and that I didn’t say no to sleeping with him on repeat. Everyone knew that I turned him down on repeat, I even said it publicly when he demanded that I turn up at his place to sleep with him without my consent.

He was pretending to be a creative like the rest of the room.

Pretending to be authentic, pretending to write his own things that he was trying to keep up with the guys who had more talent in their left foot than he had overall.

Criminals and criminal behaviour abound in the music industry because musicians and famous people have no rules.

They are so good at belittling and forcing people to repeat after them like little Hitler’s what the truth is and what the truth has to be in this situation.

It was an ownership room. Ownership of people, ownership of women. I kept trying to explain consent in the importance of consent but they were just too caught up in a hierarchy of not ever being able to prove anything.

Two not very pretty not very special social pariahs and social rejects walked in with their repugnant racism to help with larcenous intent to defraud and the amount of money provides motive.
This was books of poetry, a massive plagiarism effort.

I was told to accept my fate, he said the because I had been raped and “was the way I was” that he could get away with stealing from me, then he said he would dissociate or discombobulate me if I dare to say anything so I looked under the weather. They mocked me for rape. They knew the details of the rape. They didn’t care that their bogans didn’t have the best of bodies, they were available, over eager and wide eyed, there were overweight women at the orgies and wide eyed country bumpkins.

He kept saying why aren’t you calling me? You don’t know how big this is that you have a number. I just laughed and after I got off the phone and screwed up his number and threw it in the bin. He has based all of his propaganda and theories on women of Eastern European heritage being less desirable, and rape victims being faulty in mind and body.

He was the most cunning man that I had ever met, an artful dodger who was hell bent on social climbing. He was insanely jealous of people who had more money, people who could disparage him, and treated some women as important and others as not based on ethnicity. He needed the power over me to steal because I kept saying on repeat that almost everyone that I knew was wealthier than him.

Never allow the person who has stolen set the parameters about what you’re allowed to do in response.

This was a place where there was no request ever for consent and there was no way to not give your consent.

Before I met him I had better than a Disney life. Almost every friend at university had a better life than him and their parents had more money, they were also a lot more stable.

The school pest and the school pariah were employed to attack me they tried to dismantle my friendship groups and any popularity at school because they thought that ethnic women shouldn’t be more popular than Anglo-Saxon girls.

I didn’t love him, I didn’t want him.

One of the men who was stealing from me felt no guilt no shame no empathy and no compassion the other man then he was in floods of tears watching me be abused right in front of him.

Narcissist always want to control how people perceive you they want to indicate how you should be treated and what should be said about you and how seriously you should be taken.

All he could do was talk about himself I had no interest in sleeping with him being with him staying there with him being anything with him I didn’t want to work for him be around him or spend time with him all he could do was act like a narcissistic celebrity, talk about himself, be rude, be terrible to me and humiliate and shame me.

People love rude celebrity stories and he was the worst. The worst of the rude. He used to tell people as his walking along the street to JustF off. Famous people rule the world they can own people. They can rule over people and they can break any law, even Jamie Jimmy Savile could break any law in Britain and no one would charge him because he’s a celebrity.

Being around these dangerous men was terrifying. I never wish to see them again.

He would pay people in orgies, or in criminal ways to make up lies about me, people who just didn’t know me, who won’t have the same social status, who didn’t hang out with people in the same social status, that were stratospherically different in their level of wealth and friendship groups.

They abused me,
attacked me,
told me to commit suicide, took the man that I was dating, harassed me before I went out to see him because he was wealthier and had better connections and more powerful friends.

They try to make themselves out to be affable cartoon characters with little Disney redemptive arcs in their lives. It’s the Disneynification of a monster to hide there is a monster behind the mask.

Narcissists or sexist women who are internalised misogynists probably won’t be able to understand what the issue is, those people without critical thinking skills, the “choose me” girls who want men to tell them that they are pretty. They won’t be able to fathom what’s actually happened because not every woman is motivated by her ego they don’t need to fill up inside they need to give back to the world.

They wanted the school weirdos near them,
people who needed friends, and who didn’t have any people, who needed to go up a little bit in society, he couldn’t manage to do it without them and their desperation and grudge against the wealthy.

They were desperate to be famous in that room I was the only one who didn’t want to be famous. I didn’t need any more money and I wanted to go back to university so they brought in all those revolting groupies. They hadn’t sorted out anything to do in life,
they hadn’t completed school gone to university, got a vocational skill, they had no idea what to do, the biggest losers. Anyone they could find who had a reasonably pretty face, were pliable,desperate and willing to lie for access.

They weren’t even the girls with the good bodies, or the good connections, they were just narcissists looking for somebody to make them feel a bit special.

These people try to mythologise themselves.

He didn’t believe in consent, all women belong to him if he wanted them.

There was no there was no freewill and no free choice allowed.

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