A Novel “The world’s biggest psychopaths are celebrities.”

The world’s biggest psychopaths are celebrities.

Racial hatred isn’t bullying it is hate speech and harassment, it was stalking deserving of a Protection Order. They were the outliers attacking the richest girl at school because they were grudge holding have nots who were misfits. Every egregious claim they fabricated to help out with stealing my work is based on racism and trauma response.

They hailed from Struggle Street, and from Beecroft. They are the women from Rooty Hill RSL, your little bunch of Peter Forsters along with your gay male hooker bag man. They all wanted better without working for it.

One didn’t want me to ride horses because they didn’t have them so one would sit outside our property revving her quad bike until the owners of racehorses next door called the police on her. She gave people pretence of being my friend so she was accepted into the area. as she wanted to be friends with the rich girl. We couldn’t stop her odd behaviour. I had never met anyone who even considered being with her.

Upper class people from failed states seek refuge in other countries where they rapidly rise to the top again. It’s what we are taught at home. Even if they suffer through the anguish of being refugees we are still taught things that people in newer countries don’t know.

These three children are not rough diamonds you must have me confused with the lotto winner who stalked me making egregious statements that you have repeated to me directly and to other people, all while I was being forced and raped. Call a racist from Hicksville to get a job like this done properly. Don’t feel bad that she said I had to commit suicide so you don’t find out she is nothing and from nothing, and that the opposite is true for me. The ferals, you liked the ferals. Not all Australians are the same. This is Westchester, simply winning the lotto doesn’t mean that there is a place saved at the table for you.

But faced with crimes behind the door and wanting to escape you have to make the choice to allow the men to believe in the racism and to think the trauma response is just how I am. They knew how to traumatize me or dissociate me so when I spoke to others I was struggling to put words together and too scared to say what was happening in the other room. They said its embarrassing that you want to spend time with those guys and not me because they are not famous love. So they had to attack, traumatise, demean or dissociate me first so I would be quiet and compliant when I got to you or they would come over and denigrate and demean me in front of you, or dissociate me there.

You don’t have lived experience with trauma, so you can’t see it. You don’t understand it. But you are all survivors of narcissistic abuse, and abuse by proxy. Why couldn’t you just lop his head off.

I had the best life, the best of everything, he still hadn’t caught up with the rich, he was unsigned so he said he needed to steal, he needed the money, he needed to be like the other men and it would put him in a different category. He said it was going to stop people making fun of him. He said everyone made fun of him as he was from the wrong side of the tracks, that he wasn’t considered to be the best, that he needed to stand out somehow.

What someone who has displayed non consensual behavior has said about their victim cannot be changed by the victim.
In fact that’s the point.

Not being allowed to wash my hair, wear my make up, wear my fashionable clothes, shower at the apartment and being dissociated to obtain non consensual work isn’t a rough diamond. It’s just a rape survivor who is being traumatised so they can steal, no diagnosis other than trauma is acceptable it would be egregious and it would be messing with someone’s medical files and reputation and companies. If I had a diagnosis then they were stealing from someone who couldn’t legally consent to sex or being forced to write. How dare you.  Who do you think you are and why do you presume to think that all famous people are better than people who think fame is for the stupid. Academics and politicians outdo and outclass so many people like the man who stole my lyrics.

They did it 3 times, stopped me from showering.
I had to go to the gym to shower, they organised to not allow me to shower at Glastonbury they garrisoned their position by having other people prevent me from showering too. It was horrible to know racist stalkers, desperates, have nots, unsophisticated blunt objects with whom to have orgies, they were allowed to shower but I wasn’t. Oh well her life is that of being an orgy mum. What have the have nots done to you ? This is just a couple of have nots who stole to become rich beyond their wildest dreams.

They had planned worse and had abused me for weeks leading up to Glastonbury.
They were worried that I would tell someone what was going on or that someone was going to tell someone important that the lyrics were being “abused out of someone” and taken non consensually. Who would want “abuse lyrics” taken by force and taken non consensually.

Then when I was back in that May for a week for my birthday I wasn’t allowed to shower or to wash my hair and have a blow dry or wear my clothes from home. For another 3 days or to see you, I was only allowed to on that very last night. My movements were restricted. They arranged it that way. I was held under duress that night and before that. I wasn’t allowed to go to the police station on the way to the airport.

I’ve abused her to force her to write words, when she refused inurment I arranged a different type of inurement at home. It’s that simple.

He sleeps with people to control how they are viewed and takes them down a step. I wasn’t going to fall for it as he controlled women with his made up rating system. He does it to silence and to attempt to hold power over them and their subsequent partner. What he says is the rule of law, just like a narcissist. He then gets to decide in society who is valuable and who is against him.

He complains about models that have moles or other “flaws” He likes a clean skin. No marks, no blemishes. It made sense. Women are women, they have moles we don’t need to look like we did when we are 14 when we are 24. Having large breasts was even an issue and they made up that I had large areola because no one liked that. They took a list of what you guys didn’t like and then gave me the list. “We just have to keep everyone away from her at Glastonbury or we are out of the industry,” and in jail.

I was fully dressed with no bra on when he spat out a comment irrelevant to the conversation, “I don’t like your tits love.” Another day, “Look at all the moles on your arms it’s F-ing disgusting.” I was wearing a bathing costume and a little skirt. I wasn’t permitted to bring that outfit to Glastonbury. I didn’t want to even be in the room, I had refused to have sex with him again. This is how abusive men deal with women who say no. They fretted about how to keep people away from me for weeks beforehand, the abuse was ratcheted up based on stealing, it was all part of criminal conspiracy to defraud. They were worried I would tell someone and shouted at me and had me abused. It was because the star was stealing, I was supposed to be an open target for everyone due to that. He asked that everyone target me. “What are the men going to do if they find out everything we are saying is a lie. We can just make her obey us with abuse.” They are small fries they said. “It’s them or me they said.” They decided to destroy all your careers before they really started to keep the secret. You guys with geeks, the racists, the have nots. The egregious statements that desperate people make about people who are the haves. Don’t repeat egregious and defamatory lies from desperate dog man or orgy mum.

In London, and for years after they had me raped and beaten me. They knew when they abused me that I could no longer be the same way around you. That’s why they had do it continually. It was forced inurment back in Australia just like he said he would do that day that I couldn’t breathe. That was one the days he threatened me. Pity you didn’t figure it out sooner so I could have children and avoid an extra 13 years of rapes and beating that no one believed me about. Never mind it’s rape of a gang rape survivor. They are not worth anything. Not worth saving. I can’t believe your level of racism. It astounds me. No one was racist towards me at school. Not a soul. No one bullied me. I was the lead in everything. You are just saying egregious things and have held off for no reason other to hope they take social networks and have me commit suicide. It’s looking cowardly and it’s looking coercive and it’s looking collaborative. It looks like you want it that way too.

He said I want her targeted for 30 years, I need her to just disappear otherwise people will find out that I stole my work. Was it just until he got his investiture, the one he boasted he would now get when he was 20, the one he crafted and destroyed all the lives for? Has he always been worried that he doesn’t own his own copyright so he can’t actually sell anything. It’s the secret the stalkers keep.

Abusive men withhold money, they discuss the women they have abused a certain way, they are of too little value to worry about if they have ripped away finances, forced them to be in their presence, stolen their assets, been refused sex, the viciousness of abusive men is very obvious to any advocate. It was never physical because I would not allow him to touch me and refused to spend anytime with him alone.

People with lived experience always know more than people who follow a trend or who read about something. Isn’t it lovely when people who aren’t anti-abuse advocates speak for the people who have been abused. Those who have had money stolen or abused.

Don’t find an immature woman to tell me what the psychopath says I have to feel. Don’t be insular, don’t be internalised misogynists and please realise that they seek powerful women to use their their power to abuse other women.

The story doesn’t change because someone powerful is involved. That coercion, that’s propaganda that’s standover.

I won’t allow her to have a family and I’ll separate the one she has, every friend scattered because I keep telling the wrong story. After all it’s only losing friends and being targeted by stalkers it’s not as if it’s rape or something because she is unrapeable. It’s not violence against her is it ? Separated is an easy win. Geyhesar. His favourite saying to me was, “Nothing good for you love, nothing good for you.” It was psychopathy, abusive behavior with a big, big pay day.

Try to take sympathy, don’t be there when she is a size 6 and well garrisoned. That old chestnut, anytime I am the size he said to be he always withholds and has a bunch of kick the can along the road jokes, because it was always conspiracy to defraud by abusive tactics, always conspiracy to withhold money via abuse and denigration.

If her friends know details or family I put the exact opposite out there they so they attack, take from her, restrict her or mistreat her or have her mistreated. It’s great, it’s another way to have her abused.

It’s how he accomplishes his mistreatment. It’s technically in part, abuse by proxy. When she’s a size 6 in 2004 send her back into rapes please and the lifelong inurement that she initially refused. I just need this problem to go away “Otherwise people will find out that I didn’t write my own work.”

I have threatened her and told her that no one would believe her if she tells anyway “I’ve set it up that way.” Women without families are worthless anyway aren’t they. All he had to do was take family away.

What sick puppy made up that everything should be about sex with a gang rape survivor who was known for saying no ? Who is a Christian and not doing your sex freak offs.

All psychopaths claim that people want to be with them, so do all rapists, so does every man who is violent and abusive.

Sleeping with any man would have been consensual and tantamount to legally giving them my lyrics, I needed it to remain every bit non-consensual. Not allowing myself to become close to anyone was a calculated decision to ensure that it was non consensual and to spare everyone finding out the truth.

They cannot fathom the level of pain and destruction they were going to face at the time if they had helped. It was kindness to not tell them and to fade away. I think I should have reassured them saying “I’ll be safe in Australia, good men will date me there.” He won’t get me there. So if the wealthiest men. But he sent dog man, dog man isn’t welcome in those circles nor were your desperate have not racists. They couldn’t date who I dated or have hung out with who I hung out with.

But he kept calling. I told people in the industry. I was ashamed to tell men with more money than him and top international networks the embarrassing story of having known him. I tried to hide it.

What if they thought I was a drug taker, or going to his sex freak offs like orgy mum. Orgy mum had nothing going for her, was from a desperate background, an unsophisticated have not. She had the humour and allure of a 12 year old. How funny that she was doing the same schtick she did when she was 14. She was turned down then and not allowed to hang with or date GPS, but no one gets turned away from an orgy do they.

That was the best option any of those women ever had. He didn’t want the well heeled in that room, I offered to fly all the well heeled and politically connected high net worth women and women who knew celebrities over. But they wouldn’t do the sex freak offs would they. At least that’s what he said before adding that he wanted to take the lyrics, he wanted it this way, he had already signed documents saying they were his.

I had to keep the other men away from a situation that could been disastrous for them. Nobody can handle that that those particular lyrics were forced out of my hands, they taken non consensually and I was denigrated and endured decades of psychological warfare.

People are dead, there have been souls lost, people died for those lyrics and for knowing about the threats. They didn’t know about the crimes.

Without being lower class and like the pedestrian class and the girls from the outer western suburbs, the bumpkins without degrees straight off the turnip truck who weren’t bright enough to pass year 9, they made themselves out to be venerated and not hated. They had too. Dumb means popular to the unsophisticated. Racist means popular to other racists. He was comfortable with women like that. Women with little or no accomplishments.

A psychopath tells people to move on even if they have amnesia due to trauma. If you don’t know who they are anymore and don’t want to and you don’t want to revisit it. They still give pretence that you haven’t moved on even if you haven’t no memory of them. What’s a psychopath to do?

Even decades after money is withheld until the investiture has been bestowed. Or maybe there is another pile on, web of lies as a suicide plan afoot. He had a suicide plan even back in London.

If the time is wrong and there is too much to fight I understand. Fight the good fight. People can’t live on air alone. But also know there is too much to lose to not know. What point is there to gain the world.

They got here after brain damage after amnesia after the irreparable damage had been done. They arrived when I was in helplessness, in vulnerability and safe in anonymity. It’s certainly inconvenient that I haven’t died even though he has manufactured consent to make it happen.

There is a channel that comes down from heaven. The channel is used to lift up the people, they are supposed to be lifter of heads and not going about their own business for themselves.


The world’s biggest psychopaths are celebrities. Everyone can see psychopathy but the psychopath The ones who don’t thank God publicly or privately are sociopathic about their success. Sociopaths withhold money, they kill children, they are cruel to pets, they have sex slaves, they inure people, the force people to work, they pose with work that they gained non consensually, they commit fraud, they racketeer, they traffic women.

There is great shame and anguish in expressing how I truly felt at the time and taking value, networks, relationships, work, achievements and friendships away to make me appear valueless and not worth saving.

He kept attempting to take me out of the system of wealth and force me into being into the system of celebrity. I was firmly in the system of wealth and didn’t want to be in the system of celebrity.

They give free speech to stalkers when the worker they inured tries to set themselves free.

All the stalkers were given free speech to fabricate egregious claims. You had the audacity to repeat and act according to the words of utter scum. All Australians aren’t scum like they are. How insulting to Australia that you have done this and have taken everyone’s time and all the taxpayer money to mix your bloodline into the monarchy. Is that why he needs the investiture.

You sent the stalkers to speak to my family and to my ex partner… who would be dumb enough to believe dog boys lies? I had to be injured and vulnerable to have them believed and to not be able to sleep. You sent a dangerous man into my house to be near the dogs while my baby niece was visiting. How dare you all. The star knew he was a dog rapist in London.

Psychopaths want other people to die, psychopaths love narcissists, I can’t believe all those men are friends with and hung out with a psychopath.

I didn’t want to be with a heroin addict or near or overhearing the stories about underage girls, near the sex freak off parties, I felt sorry for his inured sex worker and how he restricted her freedom.

He said that he was trying to create a mental issue or give the appearance of one, but it’s just trauma from a gang rape. It’s egregious to say otherwise. Even when he sent a gay dog man into my home for four years to get me to “put myself down” for the sake of everyone, I still bounced back. Sorry you didn’t get your suicide guys. That would have been extremely convenient wouldn’t it ?

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