A Novel “Mind Games” “The myth”

Let’s make up some things to laugh about. I’ve got some stuff in my back pocket mate. I’ve got a gang rape, she’s been held under duress and forced to have sex, plus my men forced her to not shower, wear make up or do her hair. So I could steal.
All of this can be used against her.
Is that going to come in handy mate?
He makes up jokes about things that aren’t funny. He tries to get all his mates, all the old crony journalists and the women to laugh. That way everyone gets to feel superior.
These things aren’t a bit funny, such as rape, beastiality, violence against women. Coercive tactics, denigration, demeaning, treating people like animals.
They must all believe in dog rape and gang rape.
After all they all believe in stealing if the person from whom they are stealing has little or no value. They just need to see there is little or no value.
The punters believe in fairytales. Let’s give em someone pretty to look at.
Let’s ask some old white guys what they think about gang rape.
It’s a bonfire, but not of the vanities.
You can buy your children anything, you can buy them their way into history.

Some things are more valuable than having people charged.
You gansters. Look at all the sex parties. Rapes. Women who are forced. That’s how you get rich.
The big fat uglies, the punters, have to love all the pretties. If we didn’t have the ugliest we couldn’t have the pretties. The ugliest have a social contract to worship the pretties.
Yes that’s what celebrities. Some celebrities call you. That’s what they think. Why was Me Too a shock for you ?
No fairytales.
It looks like the sociopaths and narcissists have got it all right. Haven’t they ? We must now emulate them to be a worldly success.
Gosh him and his rapists.
Did he pay the dog rapist to sell or make up stories for him. Even though I had him NDA’d. I am a victim of crime, I haven’t committed one, only his mates have.
They only tell everyone the traumatic things that happened so the trauma is in a hall of fame. They celebrate the trauma and can no longer seperate the trauma from the person.
I just didn’t want to be there where you treat the injured like trash in fact you injure them so you can treat them like trash.
Then rake over the sand like a sand trap. Cover up the blood spilled.
Why didn’t you pay for the body to be buried?
It’s like trying to explain to people who aren’t ethnic what it’s like when people make up racist things.
It’s like trying to explain to someone who hasn’t been gang raped why he or she should stop paying someone to repeat what the racists did.
He makes reference to gang rape all the time.
His women love to be condescending to a gang rape survivor. He gets to play lothario to the shallow ones who just like him, what fame.

He asks all the studios to help inure someone for him, to silence a rape survivor because he stole. He asks them to be complicit in inuring his prey for him.

He’s the guy known for trying to disband bands to have his own way, and keep his one money. He separates good friends.
All that was required was to get the ball rolling with wrong story, then it would just be a landslide.
Excuse me, excuse me famous women, why are you pillorying and speaking up for survivors of gang rape? You aren’t feminists or pro women’s rights at all. The younger ones who aren’t thespians why do you all think it’s ok to condescend to women who have earned their degree.
Everyone lives under their curse. We are all inured and controlled like puppets for their ambition. Women get it.
They realise they can make people crazy and then make up that they are revolting and not just traumatised … all the psychos know that how you escape being caught. All like psychos he likes.
Did he make himself criminally culpable for money? Who else did ?
The wise stayed away.
Let’s all ask the guy who stole hundreds of lyrics what he wants us to say. He’s got all the money so now he has the upper hand due to stealing so let’s see what he wants us to say so we can all be puppets in his government.
Don’t forget Dad pays the men who raped the women from whom he stole. He spreads their rapes as voluntarily having being forced. Just like the lyrics. Forcing to write lyrics, forcing to have sex.
Same. Same.
Is her memory back yet. Without her memory we are safe, she can’t press charges, we can fake any story that we want to.

Look I’ve got a long line of rapists lined up to ask about sex. I’ve got extensive slush files that have been made up by racists and desperates and criminals.
Never trust a desperate – everyone rowed at school. Everyone went to regatta. He is not related to anyone. Beastiality? You trusted a dog man to be your bag man.
He likes the big narcs.
Mirror mirror on the wall, who will tell me today that I am the sexiest of all. Which big fat ugly punter will make me feel like I am pretty today.
Hopefully a big fat ugly will offer to worship the man and myth and the big fat ugly can tell everyone how pretty they are. That’s what the job of the big fat ugly is, after all, to give them attention for things they haven’t even done or said.
The pathetic little things the desperate people say to try to sound important. That they are riders, or that they had horses. That they were rowers and that they weren’t impressed by the GPS. The losers trying to sneak into properties no one wanted them in on the harbour or lying to GPS boys about being wealthy and having a dressage arena. Trying to learn what the horses eat, saying other women didn’t go to GPS. It’s because I could have said watch out she tries to go for better and better boys schools and old boys to make her not feel like the lotto winner who moved to the area. The better the boys school was the more she tried.
They said to lie to the wealthiest one in the room. That because she wasn’t allowed to wear her clothes that she didn’t go to her school, that she wasn’t the wealthiest girl at school.
Why did she need to lie. Those who don’t need to lie and who don’t need to boast, don’t need to speak. They hide it so fortune hunters leave them alone.
Even though she was never impressed. Not a bit. He ruined himself when he stole, he was just hoping more rapes happened and the inevitable suicide that he kept trying to force, just like forcing her to write.
Only a few people are shallow enough to fall into line and to uphold the first lies.
He sets himself up as God presiding over hiding he stole.
He did it to himself.
No person should be forced to be a performing monkey for him.
We’ve all had to deal with all his crap and all his rubbish for years so he could just take the lottery winnings.

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