A Novel “Mind Games” “King David was the world’s first rockstar”

Narcissists and sociopaths react in different ways when they are caught.

They don’t like to be held to account. They are always unaccountable for their actions, if caught they attempt to bring everyone down with them. They force other people to do what they want. They are “forcers.” Where there is some forcing of people there is bound to be more forcing of people. It’s a type of behavior, it’s a type of psychology. Where there is one, there are bound to be more. They are more or less known for abuse, for forcing. For making people do what they want.

Some commit suicide when they are caught, that is their escape plan. I call term those suicides Epstein-Madoff suicides. Others just lie all the way to the bank. It’s all about bank at the end of the day. Epstein loved to get a shot next to the people who would make him appear to be above and beyond questioning. The book, Talking to Strangers looks at the lives of Madoff, Sandusky (who appeared to be a “nice-guy.”and the like. The nice guys. To me nice guys are like wise guys. A psychotherapist said to me, after 22 years of DV, “Psychopaths are some of the nicest people in the world.”

The nice act doesn’t work with me anymore. If people aren’t genuine and authentic and authentic about their work or why they chose it, what is there to love?

A lot of narcs love other narcs, they can build a little narc nest love nest together. With a team of narcky friends. Narcs are usually very good-looking growing up, they just need that supply, they need people to love them. Good-looking people always have more value than people with actual value. For $100,000 worth of surgery it could all be yours. Going, going, gone.

Imagine if they put racists in charge of what happens to someone. Imagine if a stalker was allowed to decide with the help of celebrities what happened to the person they were stalking.

Would they come up to me at the mall saying, because we agreed to lie about you, and because we helped to steal the money, for the dead producer, the celebrity you reviled slept with us, the celebrity who stole from you did too. They didn’t seem to acknowledge that I turned down the alleged pedophile DJ. He is the same DJ who said “I don’t want that bitch anymore, everyone has slept with her. She told me that the DJ actually “really, really wanted to marry her, but couldn’t because of me.” Then she told me that the alleged pedophile DJ didn’t sleep with her sister, “Because it would have been worse for you.” She seemed unaware that I had said no to the DJ multiple times. Even when staying there alone with him. Even when he came to me on bended knee besotted. It wasn’t because of the trans people, or the fact that he had 4 girlfriends and couple of boyfriends. That wasn’t it. They said the celebrity wanted to hurt the school psycho so he slept with he younger, shorter, fatter sister to make a point. The younger, shorter, fatter sister said to me “Sorry she had to lie about it” but she got to “sleep with X” because she lied. It was all a part of their grand larcenous consipiracy to defraud me and my family. They also defamed my entire family, the road I grew up in and the area I was raised in. Then she said the funniest words I have ever heard, he said that “I am a better F than me sister.” It was so fun, the look like two little bogans, slopping along in ugg boots, in their flannies, looking for men in desert boots. The gangsters, the rappers and their orgy whores. They just don’t know their place.

These revolting men will claim that I loved them until their dying day. That to me is the torture of psychological violence. I walk to walk around with gaffer tape over my mouth, shackles on my feet, and the words “Silence” over my mouth. It’s radio silence. No wanted him. They just wanted to take a ride on someone famous.

The funniest thing is he would fly out to Australia and sleep with some poor little vocalist whose song wasn’t “all that good”, some were “not that bad”, and anyone that I hadn’t heard of he, at one point he would sleep with them, he would just tell everyone afterwards and snigger about it afterwards, knowing that they were not good enough for him. Every single woman in fame was of “good sex”, but “never as good as the whore, no one is.” No, I am not blushing. He can’t know the answers to these questions about me unless he asks a rapist, or racist who will make it up.

I’d love to write a book about a singer who is given all the power in the world to become a totalitarian dictator. All the women have to look a certain way; there is a cookie-cutter factory for women. They decide who lives or dies.

I don’t think I have a met a more twisted person. His team are too scared to tell him that this normal to do this to people. It’s a celebrity weirdo, that oddball, not that lunkhead again. That there is something wrong with him. People don’t want to be the ones to say it.

It’s been a lifetime of why isn’t she dead yet? Now I can say it was a lifetime ago, but that’s only to wait for the statutes for animal cruelty, inciting violence and stalkers against another human being, having my words for 30 years. He told me that possession is two thirds of the law. He stole it good and proper, and it made him a proper Renaissance Man, just like the bona fide ones. Possession is 9/10ths of the law. He told me that once he had enough money he would be able to protect himself from anyone forcing him to pay. Who would want to be with that and to be complicit?

What a mess he has created for everyone. He now claims everyone had indentured servants, and that everyone inured me.

He has tried to embroil everyone who was trying to help in this. As for me, he wanted to boil me in oil. The oil didn’t work, I wasn’t fried alive. I came out of the fire without a scratch. I am reading a book about Crushing. It goes hand in hand with being boiled in oil. My heart wasn’t crushed, I wasn’t pressed down I was crushed to ensure that there is nothing left of self. Those without a self, are free people even when they are inured. They free people. They set people free.

I need to say to everyone stand still. The Lord will fight for you himself. For you are not set in stone, he has tried to set every god in marble and now they can’t wave, they can’t move their arms and legs. He doesn’t permit them to make their own choices, he is the one who controls everyone. I don’t think they can see it though. They are being controlled by a little tyrant, who wants to be royalty. Their smiles are frozen in place like wax figures or bobble heads. They don’t seem real anymore.

Stand still Mr X. , so I can set you free. I need a chisel, I need a hammer, for I am freeing the David’s.  Kind David was the world’s first rockstar.  I have written more songs and poems that he did. Every day started with, read a psalm write a song. I’ve read them three times now, and have three songs for each psalm.

Stand still Mr X. All the Mr, Xs. Not as my exes, but as those who cannot be identified. I am a victim of crime so I can’t be identified either. Stand still, stand perfectly still.

Allow me to chip away at the marble and free you from where he froze you into place, right next to him. The other gods didn’t steal, they didn’t make Persephones of me.

I told him that you would bow before you all, like wheat, like Joseph, like Jacob. The crazy-making king didn’t want anyone to outdo him. He controls you. You are his puppets. I will chip away at the figures in the marble, the truth will set them free. Don’t break bread with a man who doesn’t deserve to commune with gods.

I was watching I dream of Jeanie on the way to church yesterday, on the TV in my car. It struck me that Jeanie is an inured woman. She is literally a Jeanie in a Bottle. I was inured for them, I don’t know how many people they have been inured, or how many human or employee rights they have broken. It’s a type, NPD is a type, do it once and you have more than likely tried to force someone else.

You can break any law in Britian if you NDA people, you can NDA your way out of crimes and prosecution if you sabre rattle enough. As for me, he treated me like an oracle, like a common fortune teller. Like a psychic. A bit like a tarot card reader. I was was his magic 8 ball. Shake her and she will give you the answer. He claims he claims he can see ghosts. You can’t tell him not to say it, because he is very special, special enough to steal lyrics and to be worshipped. He is different to other people and he has magical powers that help him to force people to do what he wants.

I was not a Jeanie in a Bottle. “Let me set you up with some lyrics.” “They are free mate.” No, no, I wasn’t Jeanie in a Bottle saying, “yes Master” and nodding my head. I will leave out the gore and the disgusting details, and the terrible things the he wanted done to me. I was Persephone. Don’t try to open Pandora’s Box alone. Who is Andromeda?  Who is the god of war? Who is Apollo? Who is Demeter?

Don’t be alarmed. They have got too much reading to do to catch up.

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