A Novel “Mind Games” “Help Wanted: Sociopath Required.

There are few things worse than being described by someone who is or has been abusive. It becomes an extension of their abuse, and their abuse by proxy.

I will not pay you love. I will use stand-over tactics. I will send a dog rapist to be near your dogs.

I’m afraid we are just going to have cause brain damage love. If you have got that brain working, everyone will know that I can’t write me own things. “Nothing good for you love” and we’ve got hide that she wrote the lyrics at any cost.”  It went beyond no duty of care to wouldn’t it be better if she just took her life?  Do it for me love, do it for me love, for me. What happens when someone spends from 1999 to 2003 trying to get someone who is now an inconvenient truth to kill herself, to hide that someone took her work so they one who was sent to kill gets his reward in 2003 going to Byron with the big men. Wow, what a big deal for a slack jaw. 

The person from who he stole the work has to die, or has to have a media pile on, or is gaslit, did it become a crime, when they tried to dispose of the body, or was the money enough to make it a crime. There was never any rescue party for me, my animals, they dismantled everything I did, prepare to be gaslit though, they said they would deny it at any cost to me, even being sexually assaulted. They force it to be so that I can never look good enough to be paid, they have to stick to it now, they have to stick to it, their gangster mates wouldn’t allow me to shower at the apartment, wear makeup, wear decent clothes. It was fun for the men. 

 “F love you can’t write lyrics or ever have a poetry book, I will never allow you to write a book or become a journalist? They’’ll know what I have done and did to Fing steal. I have to hide that I stole at any cost. You now have to be attacked for life because I stole from you. 

“Because you are the one I stole from you must be attacked. I’ll organise death by media for you. I can do that. I control the media, we all tell the media what we want them to think.” 

I was being facetious. 

The angriest, rudest, puerile, he moved from vagina jokes to toilet jokes, this was no mental giant. He talked about “mum vaginas” then vaginas of women who had been molested. I had never, ever been near the dark cruelty, criminal intent and motive, the depths of depravity and crimes were discussed in front of me. 

Don’t you think it will be better for everyone if you just don’t exist. Put your Fing self-down like a dog. You won’t like what is going to happen to you love. Nothing good for you love, nothing good for you. You can never do anything again. You can’t date him love, I will F up his life. I’ll destroy anyones life who is more important or who has more money. Never, ever become a journalist or write a book. Never sell your story. It’s my writing love. People won’t take me seriously and now for the first time they are with your writing. That can’t know its not mine. Well, guess what. We gotta damage that brain of yours, and impare you otherwise you will outdo me. You can never write again love.

“But I earned a degree to become a writer.” When I started studying Feature Writing as a part of an MA in 1999 that’s when the bag man turned up again. He had also turned up at university for a week, worried that I was “still in contact with London.” Who knows if it was a happy coincidence that I was studying again, under one of Australia’s top journalists, who is published in England. He allowed me to interview him on how a Channel 4 documentary detailed his sex life, he pressured Channel 4 (and who knows how he gained their interest) but he had the documentary pulled. My last contact with London was the man in question calling me, and saying someone’s mother was going to help me. Before yelling down the phone at me, “I am not letting anyone come and get you love.” I was as good as dead then too. He sent the bag man to harass me and suggest suicide. Then the bag man called me every day to tell me to just give up. 

So I have had to try to do it all with brain damage and harassment, even here in my village.  He gaslights. He misleads his fans on purpose, he just wants fans he doesn’t care how he gets them. There is no pride in his work if he has stolen. He gave the standover man, for threatening me saying that I am too ugly to be paid for my work, he gave him what all prostitutes want. We need to F that brain up, we need a suicide or brain damage to hide what I have done. The additional rapes, well that is just the cherry on top. He loves that that happened to someone that I hate. He will condescend to a woman with degrees and say that he hopes I am doing well after the damage he paid to cause, and even taking the lyrics was a horrific experience, is asking that I now “am doing better about that.” I had a violent husband who would do same thing, hit me and then say, how you healing. It’s sickness to just think he could steal those lyrics. 

That’s ok guys, I will do my best to get out of the situation, even with brain damage and not working. I’ll do my best. I will sell my house. I will sell my house. It’s ok don’t worry about the 2000 rapes since 2003. That’s Ok. It’s only me. When I met him I became an “only me.” 

Before that I had a Disney life. Now I can’t work. Now I have brain damage. Now every thought and everything I do is difficult. I can’t do the same things. I not as I was as before 2003 me. Everything is difficult now. My thinking, my memory. It’s tough. I can’t work. For 15 years I was told to go Disability. I didn’t. Every thought is difficult. Well a thousand rapes for a gang rape survivor is nothing right? 

You don’t mind a little bit of brain damage do you? For me love, for me. Be a good girl. You don’t mind a little bit of brain damage do you? A bit of Aphasia do you? Brain damage too, and other battle scars on my body, and operations that were required. You know for when they took photos of you going to the bathroom. The no duty of care person. Right, love, it is just a bit of brain damage. It is only you. You had what I needed. You had the words, and I didn’t want to be a lunkhead anymore. Just a male bimbo that people made fun of due to his background. I can take over the world with your lyrics. It’s just a bit of brain damage love. What are you piping up for? Stay silent or die or I will humiliate you and frame you, I’ll have a gang rape pile on, and I’ll publish what your rapists say. I will release the gang rape tape love. You don’t want that now do you?

Why are you saying I am a sociopath love? Why? I just had you held hostage, forced you to do my work, coercively controlled you, brandished the gang rape, repeated all the things the rapists said, committed fraud, told everyone they were mine, then signed contracts saying they were mine and then when people contracted me to write songs, I pretended that I wrote all of them, then I sent the bagman,  then I slept with someone so they would stalk you, then I gave a hint of sex to the gay hooker, yes I threatened you in the back room love, yes ..well love I did say if you tell anyone you won’t like what is going to happen to you. I couldn’t be there during Me Too love, goodness no, I couldn’t be there, you were a size 6. Yes, I know you could have still had children then. You still could have had children at 50 but he doesn’t want to pay me, does he, its embarrassing to admit he lied to the public and to the tax office. 

You see I was ok with everything when you were being raped and beaten every day, but you are a danger to me out domestic violence. Who will I have to get to beat you up now? Who is going to rape you and keep you under their control now?

That’s why we need laws in an unregulated industry. That’s why our human rights charter says that all people need to be treated equally.

They think you are God, and that you can inure women, that you can act above the law so that you can be worshipped. They are the worst people I have ever met.

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