A Novel “Mind Games” Everyone wants to be royalty these days

He once told me that his greatest dream was to have one of his children marry into the house of Windsor.

I said that if want to do that I am the wrong women. I am not your girl. I won’t do that. It’s wrong.

Don’t mess with big world events like that.

Who are we to think we can do that.

I was never interested in him anyway. But he pays fans to say they love him, and pays people to say I loved someone that I couldn’t even remember. Who I disliked at the time.

I am a quick study and just wanted to see where the conversation was going to learn about the industry.

Women have to protect themselves and talk their way around powerful men sometimes.

I gave him another lecture on forcing.

“Don’t be a forced.” Give people their free will.

The royal children should not be “captured” or “snared” that they should have their own self-determination to choose they wanted.

“They are not something to get.”

“Your children won’t be their soulmate”, I quipped.

It was the mid 90’s.

He set out to do it from the beginning. Was stealing  part of that?

“They should have a right to choose who they love.”

Free will to love who people love.

“But if you put them near them, and make sure they are near them, then they maybe they will want them if they are taught to be everything they want.”

I had never heard of such a sick plan. Such a slick plan. Who would mess with the lives of children just because they are royal.

Who would deign to force a royal child.

“Who would do that to a child” I quipped. “Do the royal family even want to be there?” “It looks like a lot of hard work.”

He tells me that royalty is a great place for actors. That actors actually do a better job.

I say royalty and royal partners is not something that it is bright to mess with.

Here is a lyrics and writing stealing Bon Vivant. The new kid on the literary block.

People like us, people in show-business are better at the job than ordinary people.

I am sure he has done nothing much to strategise about getting there and achieving his goal.

Gosh would he be willing to kill and have people suicide, to lie and commit fraud to get his kids a leg up onto the throne? Would he steal to get them into the right circles?

Around then he started paying the gay beastiality hooker to say that l loved him and that I liked being around celebrities.

He changed my story to suit him. He changed my background to suit him. He changed the next men I dated at home to suit him. He changed my circumstances to suit him.

What could be the issue about knowing this information?

I explained over and over again that stealth wealth is better than being out in front of everyone.

He said, “Everyone wants to be famous love. It’s the top thing in the world.”

What with his limited education and lack critical thinking skills, and no exposure to wealthy people outside the industry, just plain old rich people, gave him an insular view.

He already had a hooker set up in an apartment and now the world is his oyster. Sure just marry into the royal family after keeping a sex slave.

Could all the stealing have been to marry into the royal family?

Would it be worth not paying for the lyrics ? Or paying people to lie and say I loved him. I had memory block and Aphasia from trauma and I couldn’t remember him. There was never any love. I used to sit there saying.

“I can’t stand him. Don’t end up being like him.”

Will your descendants be a king on a royal throne one day ?

Did he force all those other women to have abortions?

It’s a terrible thought.

I once quipped well, when you have 11 kids by 7 different women I guess you can choose one to put forward to the throne.

It sounded more like a typical rockstar.

There was no shame in that.

I didn’t think I would hear the rumours about having to have the appearance of perfection.

Life gets messy. Every child is valuable.

I am sure even people with illegitimate children will marry into the royal family one day.

Times are a changing.


Never get in the way of a narcissist in showbusiness who wants to have their child marry into the royal family, or to be a royal love interest. It’s the tabloid page fodder dream that they have sold their souls for.

No other person wishes to do that to a child, or thinks that they should have the right to, do they?


It’s psychological warfare. If he can get the men who I looked to for help, to say that I too loved him and wanted a man whom I despised, then the truth doesn’t matter anymore. If they hold up his end of the story. It is all forcing. It is all forcing the story to just be what he wants said.

We no longer know who our enemies are. Sometimes we fight the friendlies. We no longer know what the truth is. We don’t know why someone has said the things that they have. We don’t know what else they know and are hiding. We are inoculated, by people who are calculating.

Don’t play God with other people’s lives. That’s what narcissists think that they can do.

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