In 1999 he started telling people that I am crazy and not to believe a word I say.
I’m 1999 he sent the bagman the dogman from London into my house.
I had repressed every memory and had forgotten all about them. The good men didn’t help me, they didn’t check on me afterwards.
He tried the same thing when I flew home in the late 90’s. I was around people all the time, I was having so much fun and had shaken the dust off my feet.
In the year 2001 I had a fledging business, my sibling and their partner loved across the road. I had a full time housekeeper, she was in my house every day. I spoke to 10 clients per day. I was flying along in life. The bagmen kept telling everyone I was crazy even though I hadn’t mentioned London at all. He needed crazy and dead but how does one go about achieving that ? How can you make someone commit suicide ? We won’t mention the incident at his school. He was the right man for the job. Jealous of any woman who could seemingly get more attention from a famous man that he could.
They gave me a good scare and a good dose of trauma, so much so that I dissociated and decided to never discuss it. Thinking of London made me feel sick, and if I did mention it to dogman he just said glibly “what a blast from the past.” He was in contact with them all and was being bribed by going to Byron Bay with them, backstage and with a little sprinkling of sequins and celebrity fairy dust.
He was the sociopath who finagled his way into our house to be near me so he could wag the dog and hang out with my dogs. I threatened to call the police on him and caught him in the act.
He was being bribed, he got to hang out with celebrities if he harassed me and our pets. He was paid with bribery to harass. That’s what a bagman is.
In 2001 he told everyone I was crazy, but I was working full time. I believe that’s when man who was giving the fake alibi died. Could it have been too much for him, to help a celebrity steal. The alibi he needed, did being forced to do it kill him? What killed him? It’s a lot for anyone to have to hide, a big secret to keep, it weighs on everyone. We don’t know who we are worshipping sometimes and why they want to be worshipped.
I starkly remember all the tears the big man cried in the room, when he was witnessing him dissociate me to force me, to control me. He could just bring a gang rape and then laugh and then pillory and then say he knows I was bad in bed during the rape. He had heard that the rapists weren’t happy.
He was in a room being forced by the man who could destroy their company and have other people like me, yes even men, blackballed. It’s more difficult to make up a story and wind a man up in a web of lies. Even those poor men who say they were asked or coerced to sleep with him too… did they same critical derogatory, denigrating response when you say something true about the almighty one ? I wonder. You do read things.
There is such a job as an internet washer, these guys take things off the internet. A certain type of person knows about it. If it’s not internet it didn’t happen.
He did the same in 2002 and 2003 when he ramped up his attempts to have me commit suicide. It was a more sinister version of Gaslight. They rewired my brain for suicide. Like other 30 years olds with degrees and a property portfolio I worked 16 hours per day.
He told everyone on the outside of Wag the Dog that I was crazy. Crazy people can’t work 16 hours per day.
My little baby niece wasn’t allowed across the road into the house when the bagman was there.
He got to hang with the big celeb and the band for doing this, just for causing a suicide. Making me out to be embarrassing and not just in DV, again. Just like London. Domestic violence isn’t meant to be embarrassing. I’ve never liked any of the men who don’t allow free will. Free will is our God given right. Never force, never cast a spell, no coerce, never berate. Never obfuscate. It could be a crime. He’ll make sound all surgery and vanilla. When it’s liquid black eyes. Women in domestic violence are just glorified hostages in gilded cages. Any type of coercion isn’t ok, are you accepting consent is important?
He was going to Byron Bay, that was the bribe to hang out with the biggest celebrities in the world. He was getting jobs backstage mentioned a little glitter here and there.
It was beyond murky. He just didn’t have the body bag yet for the person he was being paid to put down like a dog. That was even his language sometimes. I was his pet, their pet girl. “Be a good girl love, be a good girl for me.” Just like the sex slave. The dogman from the tiny farm at Timbuktu, with the two bedroom home, mud up and down the walls, fifthly kitchen and one small room and one small sofa scattered with cheap blankets. They put him in control. He was pretending to be a close relative of one the wealthier families in Australia. A paid gay hooker and dog molester. They both had dreams of being in those circles. He and the celebrity hit it off. They wanted what I had. They just didn’t have a degree, a writing background, people didn’t take them seriously.
So that they wouldn’t continue to help me they changed what those protectors thought of me. They sent the dog man as a bagman to change all the truths about me into someone that you could take down. They wagged the dog.
He was Mr withhold, Mr take things away. Mr standover.
He told me that I knew too many celeb secrets to let me go unfettered. I’ve never mentioned them. Women have such a difficult time that industry anyway. He was sledging women, it was appalling. If that’s how male celebrities discuss women, I feel sorry for famous women.
I had seen behind the veil and then learnt the theory behind it. He said to me “Is this Treadstone?” “This is Treadstone.” They always send the dumb, the uneducated, the ones who can’t hang with upper classes, the powerful the rich to bring those who are. They send people jealous of the well heeled. Sitting on my sofa, he we worked out right now I had more money than his parent did and it wasn’t even going to him. He didn’t like that I had moved to the suburbs to have a portfolio. I was disruptable here. His childish jealousy of women made him threaten for years off an on, to take away my inheritance by making up that I took drugs in England. The drug cover story has been told to everyone at my school and my family, they now treat as though I am someone who took drugs in England and that I was not abused. I didn’t take drugs in England. Trying to get someone to break and commit suicide, it caused brain damage so they couldn’t be charged they fabricated a drug story. It helps to hide all the abuse in London and the coercion and stealing of lyrics. Guys like this never let you go unfettered. It’s true people can’t handle the truth. “This is Minority Report, is this Minority Report?” “Hey, have you seen Wag the Dog?” Is this “As good as it gets?”… I was a millionaire by 30 in my own right, I have a few degrees, a property portfolio and I have discovered a new market and am the first entrant. “I’ve got make calls all afternoon then I am going to see my Sister in Law, don’t come back to see my ex.”
It was before the democratisation of power and the democratisation of the media. How he yearned for those old media days when he could just get the media to say what he wanted. Celebrities could create reality then. They knew it was well within their capabilities to create reality. People were paid to do that. Does it make him feel powerful when he misleads the media ? Unimpeachable, above the law, a special class of Scientologist.
Beware of men bearing gifts, and sex slaves. The human spirit always desires justice. It is always right to be on the side of justice. It’s not safe for people anymore to have any other stance. Everyone gets taken down with abuser these days.
He’s a bruiser and he will use any tactic. He tries to make it appear as though he leaves bruises everywhere. He used multiple tactics to try to minimise the crimes and violence. Do people only want good people to be worshiped? What if the person is a forcer of people?
To tell the truth you must be rail thin. If you are thin at the time of Me Too we can’t see you. You can’t be on antidepressants because they make you fat and your words unpalatable.
I was worried about what he had done to other women, to other people; I didn’t want him to mark my name. I wonder if some of the famous women thought the same thing.
His eyes are just black liquid to me. There was something wrong with him to think that he could just force someone to write his lyrics. Like the bruiser he still is he never ever wants to pay. That’s what stealing is.
As long as people are looking towards the light, heaven is happy.
Gosh someone steals your words and asks your stalker to help. To make up the lies that make it ok. You don’t love him, in fact you suggested her, you were thinking of people who wanted money or fame at any cost. Someone claims to be helping you but they sleep with your stalker. I know you think that you are above me and they you have a different set of rights, maybe they convinced you that that is ok for me.
He was trying to get the bagman to retrain me. To try to retain me into saying I wanted to sleep with the celebrity. That celebrity was my idea of hell. Entitled and willing to withhold money and restrict rights, to inure other women including sex workers, he simply didn’t believe in laws and didn’t know what they were. Not knowing what laws are is no excuse.
I had the best life of anyone in that room, even his, multiple blue chip property and apartments to use, a higher class of friend, powerful people wanted to date me but not him. I knew the educated class of well heeled people. I loved them in fact. That was a hellish industry and I feel sorry for the women who have no power in it.
Because they didn’t know my value I knew I was in for a narc discard so I left him red faced instead, I left first. Oh so this is how I am treated now by that one set of sexist men. Not at home though. He set a new deserve level for me, and with celebrity “Referential Treatment” he decided to have crimes committed so that I was always treated that way henceforth. I wish I had never met any of them, after what happened to me, to my dogs, to my family and to finances … who thinks they should have the right to steal a woman’s work just because she is a woman. Who thinks they have the right to them hide and have someone to harass to find a breaking point so she commits suicide. He can make anything true now.
Looking back now it was all harassment. There was a lot of talk about sleeping with men behind the open door. Why would a woman want to hear that? Sometimes when guys have slept with underage girls or men they put on a big show about how sexy they are.