Psychopaths and narcissists flock to celebrities it’s because they have nothing inside them. One of the key harassment methods that he used to take my work and to have me harassed to was to set psychopaths, narcissists and sociopaths after me that had stalked me in the past or had to be removed from a property or residency by security or the police.
You see the wealthy also have stalkers; the ones that I had had at school that I had to either call the police on doormen on. They were people who had been refused entry to multiple properties, Dural, Avoca and the Quay Apartments.
This is not bad fortune it is an accumulation of stalkers and what they have done.
As he is an Anglo Saxon man who is a self professed lover of very fair skin he used racists and had them in his employ and gave them money.
His plan was going to work before social media; he told me his plan. I joked about the White Pages.
The stalker was turned away from Avoca and Dural who few people took seriously as they could see her type and her desperate need for attention, yet she wasn’t willing to do anything. Australia was a land of No for them. They were welcomed by a bunch of gangsters in another country.
Neighbours called the police on her for scaring racehorses and being a public nuisance the neighbours also thought the family were often a public nuisance.
We had in excess of equivalent to 200 million, that’s enough for a stalker.
One would spend hours each weekend and on her holidays with no friends tongue rolling out looking at how the other half lived.
When my aristocrative grandmother requested that she leave or home, she verbally abused my grandmother for saying she is “not a Dural girl” where is she from, Dural girls aren’t like you.
It was a little like Weschester …the very best people lived there away from the city with their best steeds. Most homes had tennis courts and swimming pools.
She became a gangster mole and their go to orgy girl other than the inured women.
I wonder if she got money from the gangsters for helping them to take my lyrics. She will have to be audited for that. She made egregious claims about me and my family and defamed our family so they could steal millions of dollars from our family. She owes millions to our family, I can show her motive. They should pay back in excess of 12 million and be invested for racketeering, inured women being at the orgies (the sex slave), she’s been involved in grand larceny, and she told me to kill myself to cover up her crimes and the rappers crimes.
She was sleeping with all the gangsters was just the thing to steal my work and she was part of the racketeering. The head producer who stole my work said that he didn’t want her anymore because “everyone had slept with her.”
Everyone around him knows he stole and they try to help him, the close do, those who don’t mind a little grand larceny.
He attacks people who say he is rude or that he has tried to force them to do something sex or otherwise. I was forced to say he was sexy even though I liked someone else at the time. I was never even flirting with him and he would act like I was. You were punished for not giving pretence about him being sexy. You were punished when you didn’t act as though he should be the centre of attention.
He would say to me, “Why are you hanging out with those guys, it is embarrassing, I am the famous one love, they are not famous.”
I was threatening to try to blow the whistle on racketeering, grand larceny and trafficking. He tries to trick, frustrate, humiliate, and smear anyone who tries to call time on it trying attack them first with egregious claims. This is what guys like this do. They are not beyond threatening people or sabre rattling; death by media or destroying the careers of people who have need (because they haven’t done anything good illegal) NDAs don’t give people the legal right to act in a criminal manner or against the law. NDAs can be undone and don’t apply if criminal activities are involved.
How could they not realise that those stalkers weren’t safe for me to be around and that they would fabricate egregious things, it was never safe for me to be seen you by those stalkers.
Those stalkers were not allowed around top percent people, their behaviour and lack of achievement didn’t get them any seat at any table so they just harassed people out of jealousy. They had criminal intent to defame, even telling me to commit suicide. His accomplices were a bad choice.
Guys like these pathologise a response to trauma.
When I refused to obey him because what he was doing was clearly against the law he said no would ever believe me and I would be controlled for the rest of my life. Rape after rape after rape after rape.
Never ask to meet your hero’s because this who they are. They are “nothing good for you love, don’t ever be with more than one man love, you can’t be with a man who is more important and don’t tell anyone that I want me kids on the throne one day.”