One Billion Beats

We’ve all got one heart

Beating in the sky

There is a universe that we can’t see

Who can fathom the heart of God ?

You crafted us so carefully

You are a master Artisan

I’m caught up in the Artists World


You brought my heart to life

The creator of every imagination

Each child a gift from heaven

How creative is this world?

Every colour imagined

The world a visual feast

A transparent rainbow fades from view

A discovery of light

An orchestra of heavenly beings

Heaven before creation

And to heaven it belongs

He is the poet

We are the poetry

He is the composer

Of our destiny

You created every shooting star

Jupiter and Mars

You created Saturn’s rings

You create stars that sing

You lifted up the heavens

Spoke light and suns and moons

Created a canopy of stars

Every detail of the milky way

You intricately weave a destiny for me

A tapestry of life and dreams

Depth hidden beneath each word

List a vast mosaic of love

Your love as abundant as the stars

Like a billion hearts connected

Every animal

Has a heart that beats a billion times

My heart beats just for you

Let every heart in the world be yours

In Your name Elohim

There is a universe of meaning

He holds the sky in his hands

He set the universe afloat

I see the world in vivid colour

Vibrant with secret life

Angelic beings, and secret lights

For your children to discover