
By Kimberley Pearson

In the darkness a celestial explosion occurred
And God said, “Yehi ‘or” and light was.

***ACT 1: What is light?

**Interlude: Time **
Different dimensions. One is heaven. One is earth.
In heaven, the concept of time does not exist. Time is linear. But time itself does not exist. Days, nights, do not exist. There is no measure. Because time is infinite it does not need to be measured. Events occur without a time to mark when events happened and when events will cease to happen.

And the light and dark could not coexist.
And for the first time the light of heaven shone in our universe.
Incandescence and the absence of shadows.
Light is not white, black is not dark.
Light is illumination and darkness. Darkness is blindness. Darkness is a void with no light.

What is earth?
Earth is every element.
Earth is where people will dwell.
And light existed.
And darkness fell.
And in completeness God rested.
And God created time.
The first day and the first night.
A galactic year passed.
In the measure of time, 223 million years.
More than a day.
One day is like a thousand years, a thousand years like a day .
An Eden waiting

**Act 2: A sky in darkness **
Universal elements were present
And Elohim said “Sky”
And with His Light Elohim created space, dark and stillness
And in the place that we would dwell there was a vault.
Sky became sky
The sky was a sky of the night, ink and darkness and anticipation.

**Act 3: **
The earth was one mass
The waters another
The green planet was born
Seeds never die, seeds live forever
And the sun orbited the galaxy
“And there was evening, and there was morning – the third day. ”

**Interlude: **
And the earth exhaled.
If the earth is a living entity
Then perhaps the earth is also a part of God.

**Act 4: **
The universe gave birth to the stars.
Each star cluster near earth a depiction of an earth event. Birth, death, resurrection. A galaxy of Godly depiction. Birth, crucifixion. A Judeo Christian cosmos, like Job gazing at the stars.
Stars are momentary, stars can fly. Stars can cease to exist.
In our galaxy, for our Eden, Elohim created a greater light and the lesser light.

Rejuvenation, germination, pollination and stillness.
What would earth be if there were one eternal day.

**Act 5: **
The first creatures were sea dwellers and sky dwellers.
A galaxy beneath the waves. Seas overflowing with life. Only 9 million species in this evening hour. In the beginning. Innumerable. Beautiful. Abundant.
Each species a fingerprint. A snowflake. A genome.
No senescence.
The eye of an eagle can look directly into the sun. Their vision sees ultraviolet rays. They see a spectrum that we cannot see. If you cannot look into the sun, you are not an eagle.
There are no words for eagles to explain to us what others are not able to see.
And there was evening, and there was morning – the fifth day .

**Act 6: **
Animals without prey.
Before the fall of creation, animals were wild but they were not beasts.
They knew their creator.
Every animal’s spirit is one in 7 billion
Every single one is loved
Like a fingerprint
If their spirit sighs our heavenly father hears

Love existed before the universe began.
Did music exist before wisdom’s song?
Music existed before the creation of the universe. It is borrowed from heaven, but just for a time.
Music, angels, wisdom, love.

**Wisdom’s Song **
He set me apart before I was born
Breathed me to life at the first dawn
When the universe and stars were flung into space
When he set the heavens in place
When he marked out the horizon
On the deep blue of the ocean
Before He spoke life to the earth
He knew me before the time of my birth
Did angels sing wisdom’s song?

Music existed before creation
It’s on loan from paradise
What kind of instruments do angels play?
Are there secret songs of faith?

I see the world in vivid colour
Vibrant with secret life
Angelic beings, and secret lights
A universe behind a universe

**To be creative is the highest calling in the universe. **

What is the purpose of art and of music? Is it survival of the fittest? Do we create because we were created?