All their smooth perfection
You are the people with something to sell
What are you pushing ?
Look at the people who want to be worshipped
Follow the shallow right down to hell
People starving in Africa
Women being held in chains for rape
Feasting in famines
Brash with all their cash
People told to takes their lives
They will die from lack of love
Oh where is the heart
For people
You don’t fool me
Your life is all about you
Join an inurement charity
Give to free sex slaves
And keep yours in the basement
Give money to the anorexics
Hey I’ve got a disease story to push
I’ll sell a story for sympathy
And get more followers
No it’s all about me
It’s all about me
I’ve got to love myself for good mental health
I’ve got to hide the truth
I’ve got every bump smoothed
Where is to today’s red carpet roadkill
Don’t disrupt the glamourous
No one wants them
No one is amorous
It’s their right to have orgies
With the inured
Forced to work in chains
Look at their White Parties with white supremacists
Look at the Freak Offs with the geeks
Baby oil with drugs in it
Touch the coat of a famous man
Then people will see that they approve of me
Aren’t the punters all people pleasers
Look at them lambast the poor and week
Look at them lambast the poor and week
Look at their jokes about the common people
Ew don’t let the punters come anywhere near me
They may try to touch me
Hey they are all just fakes
No one wants them
Without their fame
Don’t ever try that experiment
You’ll find out who your true friends are
No one likes them without fame
Everyone who is not
Smooth perfection
Is ugly and ghastly to them
Take that mole away from me
We are unmarked and without blemish
We are Absolom
Polished to perfection
Able to pay for every treatment
Then they laugh at the deformed
And give money to people with
People without deformities
Or illness and disease
Are made to feel that they are not perfect
I keep saying
Thank you for two legs and arms
Thank you Lord that I am able to work
My mind works today
Think of all the women who are raped
For the comfort of the music industry
Look at the privileged women
Standing next to them
To help them look like little saints
That’s why they call Epstein mates
Fly away to a secret island
For a fling
Look at all the pretty young things
Hey but they can
Buy anything
Look at their Madoff plans
To rip people off
Look at the scoffers
Look at them scoff
No one believed the man
Who knew about Maddoff
It was simple arithmetic
Everyone loves a psychopath
They ooze charisma
He asks you to bed
But his hooker is in the next room
To give him the loving you couldn’t
When she walks in he shares his laugh
About the women he just fooled into
Thinking that she pleased him
Those people who are never mocked
Buying their way into the royal family
Because everyone says
It’s the ultimate in fame
It doesn’t matter how you get there
These men have all outsmarted God
So they will tell you
There’s no sec in hell
But they will love what they did to
Other people
Earth is the only place they are love
They think God put punters on earth
Just to love
To give their money to their dumb ideas
They think God created punters just to provide worshippers for them
Take their money
And fool them into thinking
That everyone can afford drug treatment
After the orgy
They play family man
They want everyone to follow them right down to hell
Look at the people who mock
The common people
Showing their wares
Exploiting people
Never a true friend again
Hey that’s just a narcissist
And I don’t want to worship you
Because I see right through you
No one likes them anyway
They just want to be seen with them
They are some of the
Loneliest people
They don’t realise that normal girls
Don’t want to be at an orgy for you
Give them hell
It doesn’t make you a prude
It just means we are too good for you
And that we see right through you
And you dump them by the roadside when you are done
Why do you want all Australian girls
To be the orgy girls in Britain
Hey colonialists
We are no longer fodder for you
They will figure out a way to be worshipped again
Not all fame is about adulation
Gaining the upper hand
And making people pay
Don’t like all those silly
Celebrity arguments
Wow most people have more serious
Worries than that
You live in your own little heads
Send a message in poetry
She walks like beauty
Shakespeare is “too hard” for them
Bet that’s what they will name drop now
To mitigate the effects of
It’s all about how the optics look
Find another charity and disease to spruik