
I sailed off into the sunset and had a fantastic life. Immediately, life was good life again, and life was good the day before I met them.

And it was spectacular again the day after I left.

In the following week, I was out on the family boat having portraits taken and at a party, and then I attended Law Ball. I was on a rollercoaster in a ballgown at SeaWorld, sipping champagne again, not having to sleep on a floor in a slum and be trafficked for work.

They always pretend that everybody wants them, they have to it’s part of their schtick, it’s part of their myth. It’s a part of their defamation.

They claimed all my gifting was actually their gifting, and they mentioned being worried about committing fraud and signing fake contracts.

He’s a working-class artful dodger type who has tried to hide it with my degree in poetry, he has defamed everyone around me and everyone who tried to help me and defamed all of our family and friends.

They were both attempting to trauma bond me to them.

They were calling me, but I wasn’t calling back. They knew all of this, and they were absolutely infuriated that the stories they fabricated would not hold up. They had no choice but to keep calling to interfere and to send people to interfere; they had to keep calling to keep the threats up, “Nothing good for you, love.” “We are going to ruin your life love, if you are with him we will ruin his life too.” “We have to love, he is a lawyer, and he will have us put in jail if he finds out.” “We can’t afford for anyone to find out.” Another time they said that “they had checked” and no one could go to prison for this.

They sent “what are you a darkie or something” from Manly after me to find out information and the dog beastiality hooker to rattle me and rough me up.

I just want people to stop taking away the abuse story in London. Orgy bogan helped with taking the income from lyrics away. Then she helped her peodophile gangster lover (she was one of 40 or so lovers at the time) by hiding his abusiveness and demeaning and criminal behavior by saying that I took drugs in England. He was going to other orgies too overseas, sleeping with trans women, and he was also going to brothels at night. He wasn’t a little cherry in her mouth, he was no good at all, a gangster, he was stealing and they had had very open convesations about him sleeping with underage girls. They think in that industry that the punters are always shocked about the openess towards peodophilia at the time, it was “hokey” to react. They tried to glamourise peodophilia and to make that an other crimes seem “naughty” and not criminal. It is what evil people do, and people who have no one above them can do right? Right?

For time they were very egregious to the men who I later dated and who I dated before them. Because they wanted to redefine me and fabricate and concoct a new story, and they wanted to create a new “deserve level” the new deserve level

The new deserve level was determined by the racist people (weren’t the N-word social pariahs handy? ) and the people who stole from me, and the new racist deserve level was created so that they could try to get away with stealing a lot of money. No, they were very egregious to them, the other men I dated, because they had more money, and they knew that and they hated that fact.
They were from very elite law firms, knew billionaires, were more important, and the thieves were scared of these more important men. At the time, they were trying to go out there in social climb themselves, they were aspirational about trying to break into billionaire circles.

When they told me that they’d singled me out as having no style I smiled at the boy he didn’t realise that I was being forced to wear the same outfit every day.

I had bags of Make-up at home that I wasn’t allowed to use and I was in Armani in Covent Garden almost daily.

When psychopaths and racists dehumanize people, they get us to not see people as people, we just see them as a race or an object, and it’s okay to do something to a race or an object. That’s just an object that we are assaulting.

Hire a bully and a chump to gaslight. I didn’t want to be there I didn’t want to write. Why don’t you give away 10 years of your work and see if the message gets through about what he’s done? Lots of people in entertainment don’t have strong consciences, some of them are high NPD and it’s not uncommon for other narcs to gather around them, narcissism correlates with hypersexuality and lack of conscience. They don’t want a victim to speak, in PR Terms, having a bully or a chump take away the rights of a victim, is good “Crisis PR”, we need some idiots to take the words out of their mouth and fill them dumb words for people who haven’t got lived experience, and who don’t have critical thinking skills…its official term is “Mitigating” a negative effect from a crime.

If they can find another chump of a different race to come forward and say it’s not about racism, they still can’t take back all the racist remarks that were on the record at school.

Some types who are racist like bullying someone on behalf of someone else, other narcissists love being a party to a narcissistic bullying campaign. They know the game.

Just because the men said I dub thee Orgy Bogan, and now orgy Bogan, can pretend that they were popular at school as long as you make up lies so I can get people to mistreat the person that you are helping me to take money from.

And all the bullies, oh they gaslight and say we’re here to gaslight and the bullies say he’s been really nice to me because I’m a white Anglo-Saxon male or I’m a white Anglo-Saxon female and I’ve been paid for my work people know what my work so he’s nice to me. Because he didn’t steal your work, nor did they get all the degrees and the Master’s degrees…

Meanwhile he was always so open about wanting to try and get their children into the royal family and were greasing wheels with the right people.

He told me he wanted to get his children into the Royal line of succession and around people who are in the Royal line of succession. I retorted “You’re a mad man”.

We had to disregard all the drugs, just forget about all the brothels, at first he said that he would find a titled Lady to marry, then he said he wanted someone who was also ambitious; they wanted to bougie up the Royal family.

How dare he interrupt the royal family, and how dare you interrupt the Royal line of succession just out of his own ambition, his own desire to not be “disruptable”, his own desire for power.

They are all racist, and they’re all about toilet humor; they’re all puerile, and they all mean people. They so disparage good people. How would that humour go in the royal family? They didn’t write their work so there so there is zero intellect there to be able to keep up without making jokes of a sexual nature and their declasse toilet humour.

Perhaps all the narcs want to be royals or they want to their children to “graduate” into royalty and the ultimate in power; not being able to be disrupted.

It was extremely well known at the time that certain circles were trying to work hard to get people to vouch for them and to get their future children (this was in the 90s) into and around the royal family. It was very well known that entertainers were saying that the next generation of royals would be the children of entertainers, because they would be raised take the pressure, “Act Well”, they said that actors are better at public engagements, because they are trained to do it, and to act and their hair always perfect, and their are always white, and they dazzle people. They said that job of royals was “all about getting attention.”

No one at school to be associated with the social pariahs who use the N Word because then you would be implicated in racism.

When he said to me that he would have me bullied for the rest of my life. Bullied by stalkers, bullied by people who are racist, bullied by people who are revolting criminals, it was all about the bullying. He even wanted me bullied by my family, he was upset that I was an heiress and that he wasn’t an heir. He kept everyone kept saying that he is scum and that is why he wanted to steal, that he had to “so people don’t think that I am scum anymore”
He wanted me to be bullied by my friends and hoped to you now have to be mistreated, “Nothing good for you, love, nothing good for you.” “Because I have stolen from you your life as you know it, and what you are and what you have will be taken so that you can’t prove it.”

I escaped and moved on quickly. I couldn’t get him to stop threatening me though. Even a couple of years ago I was “re-threatened” after I broke up with my ex, here in my village. I pretended not to know, the person is a punter, overweight, never been in the industry…she just name checked a D List and said she was supposed to bully me and change the story about why I wasn’t paid.

People who work in an office with a workplace psychopath or a workplace narcissist, should be able to see a narc campaigns. Celebrity PR campaign are all about tricking punters, getting fans and tricking them into paying for things and choosing the wrong side, the side of likeability and smearing.

People live in a fantasy world and are made believe in celebrity fantasy they think that celebrities are actually good people to get where they’ve gotten.

“Now that I’ve stolen, I’ll have too much money for people to stop me. I’ll hire a team with the money to help disprove it and to help me keep the money and people who can help at bay”.

One of the most confusing things about people who haven’t been around abusers, is that men who have sex with women could also be paedophiles and they could also be having sex with men just because they also sleep with women doesn’t preclude them from also being paedophiles or from sleeping with men.

People could be marked by just a couple of psychopaths or narcissists, they can mark a lot of people that have a lot of careers damaged, if they are bullies or if they are deliberately helping to conceal a truth they can be compelled to testify in court. No one is above the law. Before social media powerful people were not asked to testify and they avoided being subpeaoned.

Sometimes people say I can’t understand what she’s talking about that person’s very smart and charming around me; psychopaths and narcissist are some of the most charming and charismatic people in the world.

As the writer of the lyrics, you have to stop all the bullies, all the bullying friends, all the privileged people who can’t find empathy in their hearts or themselves and who have some sort of conscience disorder or can’t have a personality type that is able to feel empathy. People have to stop the narcissist from taking a victim story or survivor story away from them and having them gaslit.

Even males in Australia including male sports stars are treated in a racist manner here.

Anglo-Saxon people stand up and say nice things. They don’t care about racism. They haven’t heard them make disparaging racist remarks to you, they haven’t been treated in a racist manner.

If you ever been around people like that you realise that some of them (if they are not creatives) are just a joke. A lot of them aren’t that bright, a lot of them aren’t that kind, a lot of them are terrible people. They think that they’re special looks give them the right to treat other people badly.

It outrages good people when people stand up for people who have done disgusting things to other people, who’ve committed fraud, they consider people to be fools… obviously.
They all know about it and they will try to help cover it up and conceal it and bully people.

People who involve themselves in racial harassment are just bullies; they like to bully people with their superior position in society and their looks and consider their very own Anglo-Saxon looks to be superior to other people. Shame on them for being involved in a scheme in which dogs and children were put at risk. An heiress didn’t had no need to be there and was dating wealthier men than the very women who bully for them, I think that’s why they agree to bully.

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