I know me

I know me
I don’t wanna be
The me that would be with you
I was at university
You did this to someone else’s girl
After she’d moved away
You froze me in time
In a trauma ball near you
You weren’t looking at me
You were looking for who the racists wanted to be
Guess you guys liked repeating abuse to me
I think you guys were cruel to me
To satisfy the racist geeks
I think you owe me an apology
Being music industry
Is not everybody’s dream
So many women
We don’t want to be treated that way
Who were you to participate in public humiliation
It’s against the law for every soil on earth
You won’t embarrass me
You be paying damages
For the effects of a gang rape
Being frozen in time as the one to put down
To make the geeks feel superior
For a few weeks
To me
You will always
The guys who who had the freak offs
With the geeks
How shameful
That you were seen in their company
And introduced them to good people
To sully their reputations
With all their historic hate speech
You had limited chances
Until they found out
That you couldn’t reproduce it
And you wasted it on humiliation
Thinking you did it by yourself
Telling everyone, saying you wrote your own work
You toilet humour is funny in the papers
Everyone who had to urinate on you
Imagine if they did that to your daughters
Because you bought their place
All based on racism and hatred of women
Imagine if they do the same things to the gentry
That who your dad is
He is Mr toilet humour
Laughing about rapes with his mates and models
Liking the white skin
The clean skin
Girls who don’t mind hookers
He congratulates the hookers
To make a point to the gang rape
Then he tries to brandish the gang rape tape
As sexual humiliation
It’s right on brand for them
Sexual humiliation and toilet humour family
That’s what they built their wealth
Everybody knows that he plays it to them
But he wants his children to be gentry he said to me
He doesn’t want it to happen to anyone but those he is targeting
Ask him to play it
So the kids can regale it
You will never know heaven
After what you have done
It won’t be paradise for you
It will be living with people ridiculing you for making a mockery of those God loves enough to send them to see you on your way
Their dad makes fun of gang rape victims
For a living
He plays toilet
To amuse his kids
Who would want to me friends
With the jerks

Whatever you have to do

To make a person worthless

To take their value

To neuter them as the ugly gang rape chick

Hey mate do you want some free lyrics

I’ll ask the one who has been molested he said

Because she’s not up for sex

Like me hookers and me racists

Making fun of the molested

Is just their schtick

There are no good people in their world

Isn’t fun to make fun of a gang victim

Doesn’t it make you feel just so superior

Superior is what you go into your industry for

Wasn’t it fun lads

To make fun of a gang rape victim about the gang rape

We all celebrate crimes in that room

We are the laughers and the scoffers

We can bring up anything to ridicule

Because for us

For the chosen few

Nothing is off limits during the freak offs

Nothing is against the law for men and women like that

They all need to feel superior

Have every bump smoothed for them

So they don’t have humanity

They don’t live in reality

They can make fun of anybody

Because the superior race in the world

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