A Novel “Mind Games” “Golden Virginia”

It was too long ago to remember whether I smoked Virginia Slims or Golden Virginia back then.

At the time I didn’t know if his egregious statements were a part of his celebrity, garden variety narcissism or something deeper such as Dark Triad Machiavellianiam. I don’t know what a sociopath would capable of. What would a sociopath use to humiliate his victim and stump anyone who wants to help. Ah, that’s right, details from a gang rape. A gang rape tape.

What happens to people who have unlimited power and zero accountability? It is really a diagnosis or would it corrupt anyone?

The girls he needed to help him to get away with it weren’t bullied at school, they were ostracised. People reviled them. People who aren’t narcissist revile racism. Isn’t it funny that one type of hatred easily transfers to another. There is a strong correlation between narcissism and racism, narcissism and law breaking and narcissism and hypersexuality.

People didn’t really bully those two psychos they were just hemmed in and corralled so they couldn’t get anyone to kill themselves. Kids telling other kids to die due to their race that’s pretty common these days. Otherwise you don’t know what those two psychos could do to someone if they weren’t kept in line by the populars. They lied so hard that they ended up doing psycho orgies with the psychos to ensure that he stole vast sums of money.

I am writing plays and ekphrastic poetry these days. I write for work. Who in the business world hasn’t had articles published after all? Most people in the business world have, or on social or on blogs. Such much PR has been published too. I started studying it formally after watching the way that celebrities handle a crisis PR. How they handle troping during multiple crises. I have an article on it, it was supposed to be my dissertation. I’ve applied theory.

I wonder if he wants to make everyone complicit in his crimes and his fraud a part of what only he is responsible. Does he try to spread the blame? No one else was involved, only him and the alibi he once brandished the one without as much power. He set him up to be the patsy. The big man used to sit there crying. He didn’t want him to kill me for the lyrics or to have my dogs harmed.

He was a kid in London, the guy in the desert boots and board shorts from the wrong side of the tracks who was trying to shake me down. He was the bogan of the group. He didn’t write his own things. He just wanted to be like the cool kids. He went out with the school bogans, the psychos.

The young band member who was doing the shaking down, it’s the sheer value of the words and the money he has made from selling them and his own royalties that makes it such a serious crime, and so worthwhile. That was what the shakedown was, that was what the rort was, that was why there was the forcing. So worthwhile. As well as the things they did to cover up the massive amount of money being stolen, and the lyrics being sold.

I said to my brother in New York, I’m coming home soon as there are men who are trying to shake me down in London. They are not a good group. Our family was wealthier than he was before he stole everything he had under 10 million. I’d never seen anyone spend that way who had relatively little money. People with a hundred times that much didn’t live large like a gangster or a rapper. But he did. People who have grown up in the top one percent are used to shake downs. Aren’t they ? Has stealing all that money made him try to bamboozle his mates who aren’t that sophisticated of thought?

Geyhesar, Geyhesar, Geyhesar.

Guys, if anyone is out there, do it for the other women, you’ve done nothing wrong. Do it for the ones who don’t know powerful people. Or powerful men.

All the inured women bow to his will. You are not allowed to tell the real story of what happened. Women are only women and only some women are held up as shining examples of new supply. They are beacons of womanhood and how important it is to buccal and be as tiny as possible, so you don’t take up too much space.

You have to be under 45 kilos too please a real red-blooded man these days.

If he doesn’t tell everyone a different story, it’s all egregious but only if he is on the record.

Making up egregious lies is what he threatened me with in that room, you were just outside and not permitted to look behind the door that was “for legal reasons of deniability” the door was slightly ajar. I think that it would make a great law school case study. “But the door was technically ajar Your Honour.” How many times are high profile people accused of stealing the majority of their good work. We don’t need academics or critics to compare things I wrote to things he wrote with his own pen. They are a little puerile, aren’t they ? He’s a bit basic.

This was all the plan at the beginning that’s why I’ve been stifled and the men have been prevented from finding out the truth. Don’t be dumb. Has he tried the “knock on effect” for people who are similarly dumb. That’s an argument for gullible men. So you can all be avuncular.  If so, why then is he worried about you asking me. I’ve never wanted to be with him or in your world. It’s all dumb to me. Look at you all, your suicide rate is higher than any other profession in the world.

Not taking into account his egregious claims about me and that he paid to get away with a clean sweep. He paid to be worshipped for something he didn’t do. He can’t reproduce his early work and there are few things more damning than that.

One stalker can bring down the whole thing. One stalker can destroy my reputation. He knows that. Just one narcissist and it’s the whole kit and kaboodle. That’s what he paid stalkers to do. I told another person who is known to stalk celebrities and they started stalking me too. She claims the internet says he is 6 foot 2. I had to call the police. I have no reputation issues, I never have. It’s easy when you get a stalker, narcissists will kill to meet a celebrity and have sex with them.

If you’ve got a narcissist handy, a spiritual narcissist who calls themselves a witch or new age. Or a spiritual narcissist in a church, who is a church leader. No one can be better than a narcissist. A an aging narcissist, these are not reputation issues … that’s just a narcissist. Just like the school psychos. The ethnic girl can’t be better than they are. The rich girl can’t be better than a narcissist. She can’t be any better than me because she doesn’t boast about her childhood or her past, we all want to be better, we all think we are better.

They did other violent things. It’s really nothing to incite violence against people. As I move now, no longer able to be afford to behind the gates I wait for all the excuses. Stay fat for rape. It’s a basic human right.

I have people pay back any loss of money now or loss of reputation, no matter what their circumstances are now.

He holds me in reproach, they all do, withholding money for the dog rapists delight. They all hung out with him in Byron Bay as a reward for spoiling a perfect reputation and harassing someone out of state, house, home, suburb, family and business.

Speak to me in defamation and I’m off the gap. I am not allowed to say what the truth is or to stand up for myself. That’s the woman he said he would inure. He promised inurement in London. It’s was perfect to have her go back to domestic violence. What a perfect plan. So many more rapes weren’t there, that is the epitome of inurement.

Once people know that you pay for a reputation to be ruined, they just ruin it. So you don’t have to pay they all do it. It’s so you don’t have to do anything and can be the passive people that you are. You don’t live in the real world.

They didn’t come to verify that I was telling the truth in 2003. But they rewarded the dog rapist, the stalkers. Don’t worry it only caused another 4 or 5 thousand assaults. It’s not important. No harm done right. You had children I didn’t.  War zones are worse. You should know that.

They were all complicit in saving everyone from prison time. In hiding all the crimes. That’s illegal, allow me to be avuncular. I’ve got new stalkers now, they know you all reward stalkers and that everyone else off scott free. They know you all F stalkers, so does everyone from school. Did you invite other girls from school to the geek orgies too, so they would all tow the line for you and now talk down to me? They all seem to erroneously think that I consumed drugs in England, that it wasn’t a plan to harass and abuse. They have been told it’s my fault that all the abuse happened to take my lyrics. Who told them that ? That could be a conspiracy to defraud.

I’ve got new false accusations. The lawyer has got them. Narcissists and spiritual narcs like to be the centre of attention. Narcissists lie and steal. Why not have them charged ?

Forcing me not to be believed caused a rape on repeat and no children. I can’t stand seeing you. I’m off all devices and hope to see Christmas a happy woman. I can’t stand anyone complicit in these crimes against my animals.

I’ve practiced in my head seeing you all again. I will say why did you pay to have my dogs harmed? Why didn’t you verify my word so I wasn’t forced to be with someone who raped me every day for 14 years? Why wasn’t I allowed to to have children. Why did you want to force everyone to belittle me and harass me and stigmatise me? Why ? Why ? Why ?

All of you are the worst thing that ever happened to me. I will point out that I set myself free from DV in 2003 but no one belived me. Who would want to know those people. You have gained the world but you will never gain my respect or adulation.

Look over yonder. Here are the guys who profited from gang rape. Look over yonder here are the men who are complicit in 1000 more rapes. These men have children but I was forced not to. These men hid crimes for fame and money and reputation. Don’t worry my google history shows that I don’t google or follow anyone, it would be egregious to say I did. That would be a release of about 1000 voice diaries. When people have told you to commit suicide, and they want cause collapse, the voice diaries won’t be upset about things. Most of the information is here or there.

May your legacy be me, why didn’t you come back and free me? If there was no you, there was no DV. No cycle of abuse. It’s all a fantasy. Right. You’ve made that choice.

All the starstruck sycophants.

Geyhesar, Geyhesar, Geyhesar.

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